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Pete Pov

It hasn't been the same without her. Panic! hasn't made any new music, I haven't really been out in public much. Our worlds have pretty much fallen apart since that day. I can't bring myself to say her name with out bursting into tears. The past two years have almost been on hold for us all. I relive that day all the time, replaying her last words to me.


 "Pete, babe I love you so much. I don't want to leave you. I need you to do one thing for me though." She tells me

"What's that?" I ask sadly

"I need you to forget about me. Don't stay hung up on me. I'm not special enough for that. Move on go find a girl who won't leave you like I am. I love you so much. I am really sorry about this."  She says kissing me hard on the lips like it's our last, because it is.

"I can't do that Ashayla. I promised that I will marry you and that's what I intend to do. I love you so much babe. Don't forget about me." I say hugging her tight. 

That last day was a living hell for me. I can't just forget about her in fact I've done the complete opposite, I've thought of her everyday since.  Brendon and Ryan was asking me to come over to their place today, Brendon said he had something to tell me. That's what I'm getting ready for now. I slip into a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt then I am ready to go. I grab my keys and get in my car for the first time in months.

"This is an oldie but a good one where I come from. It's a song by Fall Out boy whom we haven't heard from since the beginning of their hiatus. Here's Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy. Enjoy!" The radio DJ announces. 

I wrote that song for her, it's her's. I normally turn the song if this comes on but instead I keep it on. I keep it on to make myself suffer because I deserve to suffer. I broke my promise to her. I need to suffer to feel alright again. By the time I get to Brendon's house the song is over and I am on the verge of tears. I quickly pull my keys out of ignition and run into his home. Not even bothering to knock I walk right into the front door.

"Hey Brendon and Ryan." I say

"Hey Pete how have you been?" Ryan asks hugging me.

"I've been better. What about you guys?" I ask

"Average I guess. Just really busy." Brendon says surprisingly happy.

"With what?" I ask

"Well that's actually why your here. We found some new information out about Ashayla." Brendon says smiling from ear to ear.

"What! What did you hear?" I ask frantically

"First off calm down Pete. Secondly, nobody has seen her since the day they gained custody. We started to become curious, so we called the judge and requested a re-evaluation. We are going back to court to get her back." Brendon says excitedly.

"What? That means you can get her back!"I say pretty much yelling.

"Yeah! The only thing is she's turning 18 soon so she will technically be an adult." Ryan says.

"That's fine though. I just want her back."

"We all do Pete." Brendon says

"So now that I have you guys' news. I want to ask you both something." I say nervously

"Okay? What's going on Pete?" Ryan asks

"So I was wondering that if you guys do get custody over her again if I could have your blessing to propose to her?" I ask them

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