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Pete's Pov

"Help! Help! Please someone help me! Please get me out of here! They are going to kill me!" I jolt up to the sound of Ash screaming.

"Ash babe wake up please! Ash wake up!" I try to wake her.

My attempts are useless as she continues to have the night terror. I hurriedly grab my phone and call Brendon hoping he picks up.

"Pete? Why are you calling me at 1 am?" Brendon asks groggily

"Ash just had a night terror she won't stop screaming. I don't know what to do." I say frantically

"Wait what?" He asks obviously more alert

"Ash had a night terror. What do I do?!" I question

"Just make sure she doesn't do anything and try to wake her up. I'm heading over now." He says

"Okay. I'm trying. Please hurry." I say on the verge of tears.

" Don't worry Pete. Everything will be fine." He tells me calmly.

" I'm trying not to. I've gotta go try wake her up again."

" Okay. See you soon Pete."

I hang up my phone and go back to our bed. I shake her shoulders in attempts to wake her. Nothing works and I am about to give up when I hear pounding at my front door. I hope it's Brendon so he can help me try to wake her. I rush to the door and swing it open to reveal a shirtless Brendon on my door step struggling to catch his breath. He rushes in to our room and holds Ashayla close to his chest and rocks her back and forth. Soon enough she is quieted down and is sleeping again. He lays her back down and motions for me to meet him downstairs. I cover her back up and close the door quietly as I follow Brendon downstairs.

"Is this the first one?" He asks

"Bren this is only the second night she's been back. I don't know." I tell him worriedly.

"I know. Hopefully that was the only one she will have." He says running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah. You can go home now Bren. I'm sorry I called you this early." I apologize

"No it's fine Pete. She's my daughter I'd travel halfway across the world for her." He says

"I know Brendon you're a great father to her. She really appreciates what you have done for her."

"Thanks Pete.(Hehehe see what I did there?) I guess I should be going. It's an exciting day for Ryan and I. Are you and Ash coming with us to dinner?" He asks

'Yeah of course! I know she wouldn't want to miss your proposal." I tell him

"Okay. I'll see you at 8 tonight." He hugs me goodbye and heads back home.

I walk back to our room to lay with Ash but can't go back to sleep. I am thinking too much about our future and wedding. We both decided to have the wedding as soon as possible since Fall out Boy is coming off hiatus and touring in Japan. I pull Ashayla closer to my chest so I know she is safe and drift off to sleep.

~4 hours later~

I open my eyes and see the balcony doors opened. I walk over to the doors to see why and see that Ashayla is sitting there with her feet up on the railing. I get closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her close to me.

"Good Morning."She tells me rubbing my hands

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Great actually. You?"

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