15 Part 1

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Ashayla Pov

The past few weeks on tour have been amazing! The boys have had more fun each and every night. My pregnancy has been as expected the occasional morning sickness and cravings but other than that my life couldn't be any more perfect. Dad started Kinky Boots a few days ago so when we get to New York I am going to stay there for the rest of the tour. 

"Babe, how much longer is it till we get to New York?" 

"Not much longer maybe 4-5 hours tops." 

"Thank god, I miss Dad and Sarah so much."

"I know you do darling, but we will be there soon enough. How about we just watch some tv until we get there with the guys okay?" 


Pete and I walk out to the main room and sit down on the couch where the others are watching the today show.

Savannah Guthrie(Today show host): We are receiving breaking news coming straight from New York. 

"Guys turn this up!" I yell at them

There has been an explosion reported in Manhatten. Authorities say it happened earlier this morning on Broadway street. 

"Dad" I whisper

We are still receiving information, however, we understand that there are already many casualties.

"Pete I have to call my dad! He was there this morning. What if he got hurt or worse?"

"Ash I'm sure he is fine," Pat tells me

"I have to call him." I run to the back of the bus to get my phone and quickly call Bren.

*Dial tone* 

"I'm sorry but the number you are trying to reach right now is unavailable please leave a message after the tone." 

"Pete he didn't answer!"

"Babe I'm sure he's fine. Try again."

*dial tone*

"I'm sorry but the number you are trying to reach right now is unavailable please leave a message after the tone." 

I hang up and try to call Sarah to see if she picks up.

*Dial tone*

"I'm sorry but the number you are trying to reach right now is unavailable please leave a message after the tone." 

"Damn, Pete!" I slide to the ground and burst into tears. What if I just lost my dad?

"Ash, please calm down I'm Sure everything is alright. Why don't we just go back to the front and keep an eye on the news?"


We make our way back to the front of the bus and sit back where we were. The Today show was still on this time they were live from the scene of the bombing.

We are here live on Broadway right in front of Kinky Boots. We have been told that ISIS has claimed responsibility for this attack. We will keep you updated as information becomes available. 

Tears start to threaten their way out. I rush to the bathroom for my routine morning sickness. Pete rushes in and joins me on the bathroom floor. I sit there sobbing until Patrick comes in and sits with Pete and me.

"Ash I'm sure everything will be alright the phone lines are probably just down. The probability of them being hurt is extremely low. We will be in the city within the hour we can visit their apartment and see if they are there." Patrick tells me

"I really hope so." 

Hey, there will be a few slow very very slow updates.

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