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Pete pov 

This is our last day on our honeymoon then we head off to tour. As much as we wanted to spend more time in Thailand the band has to tour. Ash and I have already packed all of our clothes and are waiting for our taxi to take us to the airport. I've gotta say I didn't think I could love her any more than I did before we got married but I do. She has made me fallen for her 10 times harder. I can not wait to expand our family in the future. I start to blank out thinking about how great our lives will be when we get the chance to settle down. 

"Babe, what are you thinking about?" Ash asks breaking me out of my trance.

"Just about how great our family will be." I say holding her close. 

"And how great will we be, Mr. Wentz?" she asks me

"We will be the best family known to man. Have two maybe three kids and we will be so happy together. I can't wait to grow with you, Mrs. Wentz." I tell her

"I love you so much, Peter. Now let's get to Chicago." She says kissing me.

As if on cue our taxi pulls up and the driver gets out to put our luggage in the back. Ash and I both take our seats in the back of the taxi and relax as the driver pulls off. I pull Ash closer to me and hold her close to my chest.

|Time skip|

"I can't believe we are home already." Ash says sadly

"I know but just think. We are going on tour in a few days and you are going with your dad to Broadway in a few weeks." I say 

"Yeah, I can't wait for that. This is going to be an amazing year!" she says excitedly

"I think the year has already been amazing. I married the love of my life. How much better could the year get!?" I say pulling into our driveway.

"Well, we could have a few little ones." she says.

"What are you saying, Ash?" I ask

"I'm saying that there is a chance that I could be pregnant." She says

"Wait are you saying." 

"Yes, I'm saying that we may be having children soon." She says happily

"Ash! I'm so happy! OH, MY GOD! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A CHILD!" I yell running over to her side of the car and hugging her. 

"Well I'm not for sure but possibly yeah." she says

"Then what are we still doing in the parking lot let's go to the store. " I say excitedly

"Babe let's just slow down and get settled back in the house." 

I smile and pick her up, carrying her to the house. I unlock the door and lay down on the couch with her laying on my chest. Quickly she falls asleep so I pull my phone out and check my social medias and decide to post a picture of us together on my snapchat. After I posted it I realize that Patrick and the guys have been texting me all morning.

Me: [Hey, guys what are you guys doing tonight?]

Patrick: [ Nothing tonight except packing for Monday.]

Andy: [ same as Pat]

Joe: [ absolutely nothing.]

Me: [ you all want to watch movies at my place tonight?]

Andy: [sure.]

Patrick: [why not ]

Joe: [ I'll be there]

Me: [okay be at my place around 6]

I sit my phone down and start to play with Ash's hair. She starts to stir in her sleep until she gently wakes up. I smile at her as she looks up until she abruptly jumps up and runs to the bathroom. Well, I guess she really is pregnant. I rush over to the bathroom and hold her hair back and rub her back. I stay there until she is completely finished and get her a cold wash cloth.

"Are you alright baby?" I ask her as I pick her up.

" Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to lay down with you and watch movies." She says putting her head in the crook of my neck. 

"Well, that's good because I invited the guys over to watch some movies."

"Really? I have to go change! I look horrible!" She says frantically

"Baby, you look fine. I promise. Nobody cares that you are in sweat pants." I tell her

"I guess. I'm hungry." She blurts out.

"What do you want?" I laugh at her randomness

"Anything right now." she says

"Okay well, I'll go to the store really quick. The guys should be here any time now." I tell her grabbing my keys

"Okay. Thank you, baby. I love you so much." She says kissing me

I kiss her back and head out to my car. I pull out of the driveway and head to the closest store which is only five minutes away. I turn the radio on and enjoy the short drive. I can't believe we are going to be parents. This is the best year of my life.

The drive flies by as I start walking into the store. I head straight to the chip aisle and grab Doritos, Cheetos, cheese-its, and anything else I can think of. Then I head over to the one aisle I know she is going to love, Ice cream. I grab all of her favorite flavors and head to the front to pay. As soon as I pay I make my way out to my car and start to drive back home.

As I pull into the driveway I see all of the guys' vehicles are here. I grab all of the bags and walk into the house straight into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Pete! What's it like being a married man?" Patrick asks as soon as he sees me

"Hey, Pat! It's great actually!" I say

"When are we going to get some little ones running around?" He asks

"I don't know, Pat." I say winking at Ash.

"From the looks of that wink you do know." He says

"I promise I'll tell you soon enough what's happening Pat." I tell him

I put all of the Ice cream away and go into the living room to sit with everyone. As soon as I sit down next Ash she asks me what all I got. I tell her everything I got and ask what she wanted from it.

" Can you get me some ice cream?" She asks

"Of course baby. I'll be right back." I say kissing her forehead.  

I get the ice cream and a spoon then take it down to her. I sit down and pull her onto my lap allowing her to relax. We let the guys pick the movie we watch and end up watching Pitch Perfect. We watch movies the rest of the night until we drift asleep one by one. 

Short update for my official comeback. Sorry for taking so long. I cannot wait for you guys to see what is coming up next. Thank you for supporting me you guys are amazing! The first book has almost 40k reads. Thank you Thank you Thank you for that! 

Guys spread love. As corny and sappy as that may sound spread love. There is so much love in the world just as much as there is negativity but we as people decide to focus on the hate. So focus on the love and positivity. Tell someone you care about you love them. You never know what will happen. That last conversation could be your last so make it worth it.

~Peace and Love.

Till We Meet Again (Book Two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora