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Ashayla Pov

I wake up laying on Pete's chest while flashbacks of last night play through my mind. I'm engaged to Pete Wentz! I smile and slowly get up for some coffee. Yesterday was probably the best day of my life I finally got back to my family, I am moving in with my fiance, and Pete proposed to me. I walk into the kitchen to start making coffee and breakfast for everyone since I'm the first awake. I turn the coffee maker on then begin to make princess waffles. I still can't believe that Brendon has a Disney princess waffle maker. As I start to make the waffle batter I hum to my favorite fall out boy song, jet pack blues.

Once I pour the first batch of waffles in I pull the bacon out and throw it in the oven. The coffee maker sounds it's alarm signaling that it's finished so I run over and make me a cup before I have to take the waffles out.  As I start to pour the next batch in I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist.

" I can't wait to wake up to this every morning." Pete says

"Mm. Good morning." I say kissing him slightly.

"So whatcha making babe?" He asks

"Waffles, bacon and coffee. The coffee is done though so get a cup." I tell him

"Okay thanks babe. Do you need any help." He asks while making himself a cup.

"Only if you want to. If not you can just sit behind the island." I tell him

"No I'll help. What do you want me to do?" 

"Just go wake the guys up then come help make plates." I tell him

"Okay. I'm glad your back." He says kissing me on the cheek.

"So am I now go." I say slapping his butt.

He laughs and heads to the living room to wake dad and Ryan. I finish the waffles and bacon then place them on plates at the kitchen table. Before they can step foot into the dining room I already have all of the places set with coffee and food waiting for each of them. I take my seat next to where Pete will be and wait for them to come in.

"Good morning children!" I say happily as they walk in.

"You do know that your the youngest one here right?" Dad asks

"Yeah of course but it's fun to say." I tell him

"Okay. Are you excited to be moving in with Pete?" Ryan asks

"Of course. I am overly excited. Especially now that we are engaged." I say 

"That's right. So when are you going to start the moving process?" Dad asks

"I'm not sure. Pete when do you want to start since I am moving into your house." I ask him while taking a bite of my food.

"We could start today. The sooner the better so I can start waking up right next to you every morning." He says

"So today it is then. We can start after we finish eating." I tell everyone. 

They all nod and quickly finish their food. 

Breakfast is over quickly as we carry our plates to the kitchen for later. After we put the dishes in the dishwasher we all rush up to our rooms to change except for Pete who just follows me to my room. I take the first step into my old room and instantly I am washed with old memories. I finally realize that this is permanent I am never going back to James and Sophia. This is my family and they always will be. I can't help but tear up at the sudden realization when Pete wraps his arms around me. 

"Is everything alright?" He asks

"Yeah I just realized that I'm never going back to them." I say hugging him back.

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