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Brendon's Pov (SUPER IMPORTANT MESSAGE AT END. PLS. dON'T BE MAD. MAKE SURE YOU                                     READ IT THOUGH.)

I plan on taking Sarah out on a date to ask her if she would come with me when I go to New York for Kinky Boots. I hope she says yes if so then I know that we are going to last this time. I haven't asked her to date yet but I'm sure that's going to be in our future very soon. I hop out of bed and start to get ready throwing on casual clothes. I just finish my hair when I get a text message.

Little Girl: Hey dad Pete and I are home. Time for the tour!

Me: I'm glad you guys made it back! Are you excited?" 

Little Girl: Yeah! I've been on tour obviously but this is my first tour being married to Pete.

Me: You're going to love it, sweetie. Enjoy it because you leave for a month to New York with me.

Little Girl: I can't wait to go to Broadway with you! I'm so proud of you dad. <3

Me: Thanks, sweetie but I'm the one who's supposed to be telling you that. 

Little Girl: Dad I'm allowed to tell you I'm proud of you. I've gotta go pack we leave for tour tomorrow.

Me: Okay. I'll see you in a few weeks.

I slip my phone in my back pocket and head out to my car. I back out of the driveway and head over to Sarah's apartment to take her to our date. I'm planning on taking her on a simple walk and maybe go shopping before asking her.

|Time skip|

I pull into the parking lot and walk up to Sarah's apartment. Just as I am about to knock on the door I hear her yelling at someone so I hold off. 

"Steve I am not coming back home! I love it here!" She yells 

"No, I am not in a relationship. Why does that matter?"

"Steve! You are not coming here to get me. I'm moving back in with Brendon. This time we are going to work. I'm not going to hurt him again."

A few minutes pass of what I assume is her brother yelling at her.

"I love him! I don't know what I'll do without him! Look I've got to go. Brendon is going to be here any second to pick me up for our date."

I wait a few seconds before knocking on the door and she immediately answers.

She looks up at me with sad eyes her beautiful blue eyes should never look this broken. I instantly embrace her into a bone crushing hug. It breaks my heart to see her anything but happy. She breaks down in my arms so I lift her up and carry her over to her couch. I sit down with her on my lap and run my fingers through her hair in attempts to soothe her. I begin to sing Sarah smiles to her so she calms down.

I was fine, just a guy living on my own,
Waiting for the sky to fall.
Then you called and changed it all, doll.

Velvet lips and the eyes to pull me in.
We both know you'd already win.
Mm, your original sin.

You fooled me once with your eyes, now, honey,
You fooled me twice with your lies, and I say,

Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn't care,
She lives in her world, so unaware.
Does she know that my destiny lies with her?

(Sarah, Sarah, Sarah)
Oh Sarah,
Are you saving me?

Waking up to a kiss and you're on your way.
I'd really hoped that you would stay,
But you left and went your own way, babe.
I don't mind, take your time, I got things to do
Besides sit-around-and-wait-for-you.
Oh and I hope you do too.

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