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Sarah Pov Warrior7575 ( you're welcome.)

I wake up next to Brendon in his bed and realize that I should probably leave before he wakes up. I attempt to slip out of his arms as easily as possible so I don't wake him but fail miserably.

"Mh." Brendon stirs in the bed and slowly wakes.

Brendon:[ raspy morning voice] "Goodmorning."

Sarah: [smiles friendly] "Morning Bren. How did you sleep?"

Brendon: "Great, what about you?"

Sarah: "Good. I should be leaving." [attempting to leave]

Brendon: "You don't have to leave so soon."

Sarah: "I do. I'm sorry. My dogs are at home and they need to be let out. I'll see you later Bren." [leaves the house]

Ashayla Pov

I wake up to Pete jumping around the room like a little kid.

Ashayla: "Babe, what are you doing?"

Pete: "We are dropping a new song today!"

Ashayla: "Really? How come I've never heard this new song?"

Pete: "Because I wanted to keep it a secret until I knew we could release it."

Ashayla: "Is there going to be a tour?"

Pete: "Yeah! Don't worry though we are waiting till after the wedding."

Ashayla: "I thought so. I can come on this one right?"

Pete: "Yeah."

I get out of bed and head into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Quickly I take a shower and throw on a Metallica shirt and black skinny jeans. I rush to do light makeup and throw my hair up in a loose ponytail.

Ashayla: "Babe are the guys coming over for the release?"

Pete: "Yep, so we have to go out and get a few things before hand."

Ashayla: "Okay, are you ready to go then? We can get coffee on our way to the store."

Pete: [picks me up] "Yeah. Let's go!"

I squeal and try to get down from his shoulders. He opens the car door and sits me down in the seat then runs to the driver's side to start our commute. He backs out of the garage and turns the radio on. I assume he is just waiting for the song release. His leg bounces up and down in the car as we sit in L.A traffic.

Ashayla: [Places hand on Pete's knee] "Babe stop shaking your leg. What's wrong?"

Pete: "Nothing I'm just super excited for the song release." [taps steering wheel with fingers]

A: "I can tell. Where are we going?"

P: "um right now we are going to Starbucks, but we have to run to Costco really quick to get the party stuff. Oh and go ahead and call your dad and tell him to head over to the house. He can help us set up."

A: " Okay babe." [ grabs phone and dials Brendon's number]

B: Hey Ash! What's up?

A: Nothing much. Can you head over to the house maybe? We are setting up for the single release.

B: Yeah! Can I bring someone?

A: Yeah! Oh, and how are you?

B: Yes! I'm fine. I'm bringing Sarah.

A: Okay. We were going to invite her anyway.

B: Okay. See you soon then.

A: Okay. Bye, Dad Love you!

B: Love you too honey.

[Hangs up]

Short filler. Next one will be at the release party. Good things are coming soon.{Insert devil emoji}

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