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Ashayla Pov

"Baby, wake up. We have to get going." Pete whispers in my ear.

"Nuu, baby don't make me get up!" I mumble

"Baby you've gotta get up. " He laughs

"Can't you just carry me to the bus?" I ask

"I guess." 

"Thank you, baby. I love you.  Wait, hold that thought." I say running to the bathroom. 

I throw up into the toilet and lean against the wall with my head in my hands. Pete runs in and gets me a cold wash cloth for my face. I brush my teeth quickly so we can go out to the bus with the guys. Once I finish Pete picks me up and carries me out to the bus.

"You didn't have to carry me, Pete. I could've walked." I say

" I know you could've walked but what kind of husband would I be if I let you walk?" he says kissing my forehead.

"You're so sweet. I love you, baby. When are the guys coming?" I ask laying my head on his lap.

"We are going to go pick them up at Pat's house. " He says rubbing my head.

"Can we listen to music?" I ask him yawning.( Sorry if this makes you yawn.) 

"Sure baby. Why don't you try to go back to sleep." He says turning Panic on

I lay my head back down on his lap and start to doze off. Pete lays his jacket over my shoulders and kisses the top of my head. 

|Time Skip|

"What are you guys going to do then Pete?" I faintly hear Andy ask

"Well, the only thing we can do. We are going to raise the baby. " He says 

"Either way we will all support you two." Patrick says

"Mh." I groan as I sit up

"Good morning baby. How are you feeling?" Pete asks wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"Good. I have a headache though." I say leaning against him

"I'll go get you some Tylenol ." He says getting up leaving me with the guys.

"So Ash, Pete was telling us about your big news." Joe says

"Um, yeah. I'm only a week or two in so it's going to be a while. If I'm correct though it should be born around August maybe September. " I tell them

"Yes! We are going to have a little band Baby!" Patrick says excitedly.

"Here you go, darling." Pete says handing me Tylenol. 

I quickly take the medicine and lay my head back on Pete's shoulder when I realize they have a show to play tonight.

"Hey, how far away are we from the venue?" I ask

"Only an hour. You slept for a long time." Andy says

"Okay, are you guys excited?" 


We end up watching a movie the rest of the time until we get to the venue. Throughout the movie, Pete played four pranks on Patrick who continued to fall asleep. Each time Patrick would just look at him with the grimmest face possible. Around the final credits is when we arrived at the venue. I never once saw the boys this excited for anything. They have been looking forward to this for a while.

|Time skip|

The concert was amazing! Everyone in the crowd was overly excited to see the guys perform. I don't blame them. They were amazing!

Heyo! It's me your favorite Asian kid. So lot's has happened in this past month.. First things first, I started my sophomore (10) year in highschool last week. Plus I have a boyfriend now. I'm sorry that this is so short and shitty but I haven't had anytime to write and this was all I could think of in the past month.. I'll try harder to update better chapters. However my birthday is coming up! August 28th!! I'll be 15! I am so excited! Anyways   Sorry again for not updating but here's this shit. ^^^^^^   (Insert squinty eyed asian face)

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