Chapter 17: Wormhole

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Chapter 17: Wormhole


Ok so I wont use his last name as haven't decided on the father yet but at the beginning when it says Thomas POV it is the future Thomas so please don't get confused. Please tell me what you all think and as you can guess. Thomas is named after his adopted granddad and donna after her biological grandmother. Also as they are both brother and sister Donna is known as Cadet burrow and Thomas is known as Cadet Oliver-Burrow. please imagine that the team knew that Zeltrax was alive.

*Back to action*

Thomas POV:

Year 2025:

All seven of us B-squad rangers race towards the command centre as Kat's voice comes over the systems.

"Power rangers!" Kat called. "Report to delta command centre immediately!"

We run in and group together with me and my sister at the back of the group.

"What's going on?" Jack asked and Commander Kruger walked forwards to address us but Kat stayed at the computers.

"Yes he's retreated!" Sky said sounding over the moon.

"We won!" Everyone but me and Donna cheered. From all the stories we have heard, it is never that easy.

"Enough!" Commander ordered the others.

"Hello. Hello it's celebration time," Jack said not understanding his reaction. "You said it yourself, Grumm is gone!"

Me and Donna glanced at each other and she decided to speak up.

"I don't think it's that simple Jack," Donna said to him and I nodded.

"Cadet Burrow is right," Commander nodded at my sister. "Yes Grumm is gone. But I know my enemy. He does not retreat."

"Commander I found something!" Kat says turning everyone's attention the her as Commander Kruger approaches. "I was scanning the far reaches of the Tenarian Nebula when I found this!"

On the screen we see a whole that is in space.

"A wormhole?" Commander clarifies.

"Yes a temporal wormhole," Kat explains. "And there are traces of Troobian energy inside the rim."

"Sounds like retreating to me," Jack says.

"I think that is what he wants us to think," I told Jack the second in command. I was the first leader of this squad as my whole team had agreed that like my mother and grandfather I make a great leader. I had agreed as long as both Jack and Donna were my second in command.

"But sir then where could he be going?" Sky asked.

"The more important question," Commander Kruger corrected. "What time is he going to?"

We all glanced a little worried at each other.

*Back to action*

Courtney's POV:

Present day: 2004

Me, Trent Kira and Ethan are all sitting in front of the school. Trent is drawing I am working on a new song for me and Kira, Kira is tuning her guitar and Ethan is on one of his computers.

"Great," Ethan said from beside Kira. "I was just about to defeat the dreaded Maxodrone, when his evil ship comes by and destroys all that I've done. Can you believe it?"

I roll my eyes at him.

"It's just a game Ethan," Kira informs him.

"Yeah you're acting as if it's real," Trent says shaking his head at the blue ranger.

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