Chapter 1

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My black boots hit the street each second, not wasting any time.

My heart was calm and steady as growling and moaning came from behind me.

I had a giant smirk on my face and glanced back to see the small herd of flesh-eaters following me. My trap laid ahead of me and I jumped over it, dropping my lighter into the oil.

The brainless, flesh-eaters walked straight into the flames and I crossed my arms over my chest admiring my work. I started walking and headed towards the woods, climbing a tree just high enough to keep straggling eaters away. I opened up my bag and looked inside. I had a few cans of food and some granola bars left and decided to eat half of a bar. I also counted my arrows, 12, I would have to make some more when I had the time. I knew my pistols were loaded and I had one box of ammo left in my bag. I zipped up my bag and pulled my oversized jacket closer to me before straightened out my fingerless gloves. I listened, trying to find some noise that wouldn't make the night as silent, but there was nothing.

Just silence.

"Someone among our family is a traitor, and traitors should be punished. So until someone speaks, all of you, my daughters will be punished."

I watched as men lined up behind them, while the girls were on their knees, holding whips. As soon as the whips lifted off of the ground, I ran up in front of the large, broad man.

"It was me. It was all me, not them," I said, watching his every move. Suddenly, I was on the floor clutching my cheek where he slapped me. "Betrayed by my favorite daughter, I am disappointed. Take her to the doctor, he will straighten her out." A man grabbed me in a headlock as I struggled to get away from his grip by clawing his arm. Anger made my blood boil and I hit the man in the mouth with the back of my head.

"I'm not your daughter!" I screamed and several others tried to grab me, but I used my instincts, fighting back. I winced as I felt something puncture my neck and my sight became foggy.

"I'm not your daughter," I said, my voice breathy.

I jolted awake, holding myself steady in the tree, and ran my hand through my now damp hair. I looked around and made sure no eaters were around as I jumped down. My boots crunched on the dry, ground floor as I made my way back to the road and followed it just as the sun started to rise.

I listened carefully for flesh eaters and watched in every direction. I was coming into an area that had a fence to the left side of me and a small dairy or what looked like it used to be a dairy on my right. It was burnt to the ground, but it still had some of its characteristics. I decided to keep going, the crunching of my boots on the street was the only noise that I could hear.

I decided to go off the road and climbed over the fence, which really wasn't that easy, but possible. The grass was high here, but I could still see the ground clearly. I soon came to a forest-like area and walked through it, pulling one of my pistols out and holding it in front of me just in case. As I continued walking, I kept my guard up and was carefully taking in my surroundings.


I instantly raised my gun and slowly moved forwards, trying to pinpoint the sound. Suddenly, I was struck in the shoulder and pressed my back against a tree nearest to me, looking down at an arrow in my shoulder. "What the hell?!?" I groaned at the pain and holstered my gun, then wrapped my fingers around the bridge of the arrow. I tried to pull it out, but I cried out in pain. I glanced at my back and saw the point of the arrow. I felt lightheaded and could feel the warmth of my blood running down my skin. I ended up sitting on the ground, my cheek pressed against the tree, trying to focus.

"Why did you leave us, sister? Why did you leave us to die?"

I felt a small tear rolled down my face and the sound of fast footsteps, then a man with short brown hair crouched down in front of me leaning on a crossbow. I tried to pull on the arrow again, but pain surged through me and I winced.

He moved from my sight and I soon was helped to my feet, my arm around the man. Black dots started to dance across my sight, but as we emerged from the tree line I saw a farmhouse and some cars, people standing out front. As we got closer, people noticed us and a few of the women covered their mouths with their hands. Some other men and women ran over to help and I could slowly feel myself give up.

"Someone get Hershel!" A man wearing a police uniform called out and suddenly I fell but was caught, my eyes flickering until they finally shut.

Faded Scars (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now