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Author's Note-- The outfit the girl above is wearing is the outfit you will wear to Nina's dinner and to the date. By the way, the girl above is Bianca Santos. In my opinion, she is one of the many gorgeous Latinas that have been famously recognized.

                            July 4, 2010            That's your birthday, right Aussie_Ramos ?
       I applied a light amount of peach eyeshadow on the corner of my eyelids, mixing in the two different shades of peach eyeshadow on there. The light pink lip gloss spread across my lips as I checked myself in the mirror in the bathroom. My mascara was already on and so were my clothes and the rest of my makeup, therefore I only need to slip on my heels and I'm ready to go.

"Y/N!" Called F/N from the other room. "Don't forget to brush your teeth! And bring mints with you, just in case! And a condom! Never forget protection!"

I opened my mouth in shock. "F/N!"

My friend walked into the room, being greeted by a pillow to the face. "Ouch. I'm just sayin', the quiet ones are always the horniest." I fake gagged and threw another pillow at her; she moved away before it hit her. "Ha! Missed me!"

I rolled my e/c eyes and stood from my bed, flattening out my skirt and picking up my keys and phone. Rosie came galloping into the room—her eyes widened. "Auntie Y/N! You wook wow!"

"Thank you mi rosa." I lifted the little girl off the ground and kissed her cheek.

"Auntie Y/N."


"Will I ever look wow like you do?"

I smiled sweetly at Rosie, pinching her rosy cheeks. "Mi preciosa, you already look wow!"

The toddler giggle as I put her down on the floor and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before walking out of the room. My eyes paused on the forgotten jacket placed neatly on the musky brown sofa. Should I wear it? Nah. It's not cold outside, so it's not like I'm gonna catch a deadly disease. "F/N! You almost ready?!"

"Yeah! Let me just put on my shoes and-" there was a thirty second pause. "-I'm done!" F/N carried Rosie out of their bedroom, doing a 360 for me.

I whistled jokingly at them. "You two look amazing!"

"Do we look wow like you do, Auntie Y/N?" Asked Rosie.

"Yes you do. Now come on, we're gonna be late."

I opened the door and almost headed out, at least until I realized that someone was standing at the door, hand in a position to knock. Usnavi blushed deeply as he brought out a small bouquet of white roses. Sure, there were only six of them, but that doesn't make the gesture any less sweeter. I sheepishly grabbed the roses and kissed Usnavi on the cheek, making his cheeks' temperature rise. "Gracias, Usnavi."

He mumbled a bashful 'your welcome' as I placed the roses in a vase and headed outside again, F/N and Rosie waiting next to Usnavi. I smiled at the three and climbed down the stairs, the trio following suit.


He doesn't seem to know what to do with his hands. I've been hinting at hand holding the whole time and Usnavi is apparently blocking out anything and everything. He began to fiddle with his fingers at first, and then it became a full on jazz hands display. Usnavi keeps moving them around, placing them in his pockets, using them to fix his hat. What the hell?

I frowned internally, the 'me' in my mind stomping her foot in frustration. I looked towards F/N in utter hopelessness; she urged me to be the first one to pull a move. My head nodded as I took his hand and intertwined my fingers with his, smiling at him when he blushed at me. "Can you seriously not take a hint?" I joked.

"W-Well, I-I didn't know if yo-you would want to." He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, his face crimson red.

A giggle left my lips—my hand squeezed his. "I want to."

Usnavi snuck glances at me while we were walking. I could swear that I saw drool drilling out of his mouth. He looked at me and smiled. "You look gorgeous, stunning. Tu eres mas bella que las rosas blancas y el mismo sol." [you are more beautiful than white roses and the sun itself]

This time, it was my turn to blush. His sweet words and cute accent made me feel tingly inside, like butterfly wings flapping across my stomach and heart. "Thank you, Usnavi. You look very handsome yourself." I kept my hand tightly around his as we walked, F/N getting closer to me and whispering in my ear.

"I believe the word you're looking for is 'sexy.'" I kept a smile on my face, but discreetly kicked her in the shin with my heel.


"Hi!" Greeted Nina, pulling me into a hug—yet keeping the hold I had on Usnavi's hand. She looked at our hands and smirked. "I see you two have gotten, uh, acquainted."

Usnavi blushed and held my hand tighter, giving Nina a flustered chuckle. I looked at him and giggled. He's honestly very cute. I mean, the way his eyes glimmer when he sees a customer come in, the determined look that he has every time he's trying to get me to take the coffee for free, th-"
"Y/N?" Usnavi raised his eyebrows at me. "Are you alright? Do you feel bad? Do you want me to take you home?"

I shook my head. "No, no." My eyes trailed over his handsome features. "Just lost in thought, I guess." He nodded skeptically at me, but continued to interact with the people around us, his hand still clutching onto mine.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Benny and Nina inspecting me and Usnavi. Although it was faint, I could hear their conversation.

"They've definitely shagged before." Stated Benny—I saw Nina slap his arm jokingly, yet a smirk was plastered on her face.

"You know, you're right. I bet you twenty dollars that after the club their gonna get caliente in Usnavi's apartment."

"I bet you twenty dollars that they've already gotten caliente in Usnavi's apartment and also in the back room of the bodega." I internally chuckled at their bets, looking at Usnavi and wondering where all these rumors come from. Do we really act that close to each other? How many people talk about this?

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now