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       Carrot cake frosting stuck onto my h/c hair, some of it damaging my hair line and clogging the pores on my skin. That's gonna hurt my complexion tomorrow. A piece of red velvet cake flew from my hand and straight onto Usnavi's chest--I giggled at the pouty expression he made when the desert slid down his cake-covered shirt. He grabbed another chunk of his 'ammunition', chucking it my way. I instantly moved away from the flying piece of cake; it missed me by mere centimeters. It's peculiar how I can dodge that but I couldn't do the same with a goddamn dodge ball in P.E. Then again, me losing comes with a price.

        "You're gonna lose, Usnavi!" My arms flailed around as I rushed to cover behind the bed. The heart hidden in my chest began to beat loudy.


       Footsteps that originated from Usnavi crept closer to me. I cowered under a slight mush of cake as the Dominican man smudged my hair and arms with a mixture of carrot and red velvet cake.

       I began to shriek in defeat, attempting to crawl away from the situation I worked myself into. "Alright, alright! I give up!"

       Usnavi chuckled and let the cake mush fall to the floor. His slippery hands held onto my arms as he helped me lift myself from the ground. "You have to clean my room now. Buena suerte."

       My movements while piling the stained sheets on the carpet were filled with fecklessness. I groaned as I looked down at my shirt: completely covered in cake and frosting.


       "Yeah?" He walked into the room, steaming coffee in his possession.

       I motioned to my ruined outfit. "Do you have anything I can change into?"

       "Oh!" Usnavi hurried over to his closet, pulling out one of his famous button-downs. He handed me the clothing. "Here, I'll step out if the room so you can dress in private."

       I whispered a quick 'thank you' and watched as Usnavi walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

       Particles from the sunlight hit my bare stomach and trailed down to the waist line of my shorts; also stained with cake. I tossed my shirt onto the pile of cake-covered objects: the sheets, pillow comforters, my shirt, Usnavi's used button-down, etc.. My hands played with the fabric of the shirt Usnavi let me borrow.

       "I forgot I need my sh- Santa Madre de todas las cosas-" Usnavi gaped at me, "-buenas." Speak of the devil. I quickly covered my top half with my arms, turning around so my back was facing Usnavi. He slapped his hand over his eyes. "I-I'm sor-ry. I-I ll just g-go." He trief to step outside the room, his hand still covering his eyes--this caused him to walk straight into a wall. A giggle left my lips.

       I slid on Usnavi's button-down, fumbling with the buttons. Meanwhile, the Dominican was still trying to get out of the room. I walked towards him. "'Snavi, it's fine. I put the shirt on now."

       He slowly uncovered his eyes, sighing in bashfull endorsed regret. "I'm sorry." I-I didn't know-w."

       "It's ok, I should've changed quicker." I looked over at the pile of stained objects. "Well, now I need to get back to work." I walked towards the pile, lifting it off the carpet and heading towards Usnavi's laundry room. How I know that he has a room for this, I'm not sure, but it's probably best if I don't question it.

       "You know, you don't actually have to clean my room." I turned around to see Usnavi leaning on the door frame. "I could help you. If you want, of course."

       I nodded with a smile. "Help would be nice."

       "Bueno, let me just change out of this stained shirt and I'll come back."

       I stuffed the washing machine with Usnavi's cake-covered belongings, shutting the lift. My eyes trailed from the vibrating machine to the motionless counter; Usnavi's clean red button-down rested on it. He forgot his shirt.

       My legs took me into Usnavi's bedroom again, his shirt in my hand. "Yo, Usnavi, you forgot yo- Dios mio you're hot." I slapped my hand over my mouth, shutting my eyes in embarrassment. Why the hell would I say that? Oh yeah, because Usnavi is shirtless and the sun is shining onto his bare chest. But did I have to say that out loud? No, I didn't.

       The bodega owner blushed, his chest rumbling as he chuckled. We stayed in our standing positions for a few seconds. The thick silence was thankfully cut with a thick knife.

       "C-Can I have my shirt?" My eyes widened as I smiled nervously at Usnavi, handing him his shirt.

       God, I am making a complete fool of myself. Ha de pensar que estoy loca. [He probably thinks I'm crazy]


       Usnavi and I finished cleaning his room--luckily, no more clothes were stained on lost. I ended up leaving his home once the sky turned dark.

       My hands fumbled with the keys as I pushed the right one into the keyhole. Rosie ran towards me once I entered the apartment. "Auntie Y/N!"

       "Mi rosa preciosa!"

       F/N walked into the living room, a smirk plastered on her face. "Rosie?"


       "Go play in your our room."


       I groaned as I sat down on the sofa, the spot next to me being occupied by my best friend. My eyes rolled themselves in a circular motion. "Why do you have that stupid smirk on your stupid face?"


       "'Because' what?"

       F/N grunted. "C'mon, don't play with me like that! Tell me, how was it?"

       "How was what?"

       She leaned isn't closer and dropped her voice to a whisper. "The sex with Usnavi. Spill it."

       "What?!" I jumped off the tattered sofa. "I don't know what you're on, but I didn't have sex with Usnavi!"

       "You're wearing his shirt!"

       "Mine got stained with cake! He let me borrow it!"

       My friend mumbled a quiet 'fine' before pouting. She looked up at me. "I give it three more days until the sexual tension between you two bursts and you fuck."

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now