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Author's Note-- This chapter is based off something that actually happened to my mom. Luckily, my brother is fine and healthy now, but he did spend about four months in the hospital. You're probably wondering what I'm talking about—you'll see. By the way, the amniotic sac is a bag-type of object that protects and holds a fetus. When the bag pops, it means your practically ready to give birth.

       "Usnavi, stop!" I giggled. "It tickles! Stop!" My husband continued to press opened mouth kisses to my stomach, his stubble scratching my skin in a ticklish way.

       He finally stopped after noticing that my face had turned red; he pulled me into a kiss. "Te amo, mami."

       "It was those exact words that got you laid the second time and caused this wonderful thing-" I pointed at my stomach. It's been one month since I found out and I've already been greatly pampered by a bunch of people, "-to happen." Usnavi chuckled and placed his lips on mine again and again and again, not caring that he was practically swelling my lips from so much kissing. "Papi, I love you too, but I need my lips."

       Usnavi pouted. "Fine."

       "Tuck that lip back in or I swear I'll bite it." I warned.

       "That doesn't sound like a bad idea." He stuck his bottom lip out more, nearing my mouth once more. Just like I had sworn, I bit that lip, pulling on it to bring my husband back into a kiss.

                                   Friday, October 2, 2015

       My stomach has been getting bigger and bigger by the minute, and I'm only five months pregnant. Then again, I've been craving chocolate and fried chicken like crazy. Why is fried chicken my craving? I don't know, but this baby boy might have a great liking for these things in the future. Today I went to the doctor for my scheduled ultrasound and they said that they could identify the baby's gender already. Being the person I am, I requested that they tell me now, which ended up in me buying a shit ton of clothing for a baby boy.

       I haven't told Usnavi yet, since I want it to be a surprise. He has questioned why I needed to go to the store today. 'I just wanna go to the store, 'Snavi. Is that a problem?'

       The tape dispenser made a creaky sound when I placed it on the bed, three of the sign and ultrasound pictures spread neatly in the blue and white box while I taped the lid closed. I quickly cleaned up the slight mess I had made, put everything back where it was, scratched off the price sticker from the box, and fixed the bed I placed the box on. The three blue balloons I had tied to the bed posts bounced joyfully when I turned off the light and closed the door. I patiently waited for Usnavi to come home.


       The doorknob rattled as the sound of keys jingled outside. A few seconds later, my husband stepped into our living room, smiling at the sight of me 'reading' a book. In reality, I was actually skimming through the pages as anxiety rushed through my veins while I waited for Usnavi.

       He walked towards me, towering over my frame as he kissed my lips. "Hello."

       "Hi." I grinned.

       Usnavi lowered his head—he lifted my shirt just enough for my stomach to show and planted a kiss on it. "Hello, mi hijo or hija." [My son] [Daughter]

De Todas Las Cosas Buenas: Usnavi X Mexican-American!ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin