Chapter 6: Chemistry

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Ginny had always excelled in potion making. She was top of the class next to Hermione and Draco, as she took seventh year potions.

Speaking of gitty ferrets.....

The downside to being top of her class was that she had to partner up with Draco every now and then. True, he was a great partner when it came to grades, but the fact that she had to actually talk and interact with him drove her crazy.

Ginny and Draco had never gotten along. Fred and George had tolerated him, and Ron had befriended him after a few years, but she never saw anything in him that she would consider friend worthy. He was arrogant, he used to be a horrible bully, he was cocky, he thought the sun rose and set in his ass, and he was just a complete and utter annoyance to her.

She couldn't deny that Draco was sinfully gorgeous, what with those brushed steel eyes, chiseled face, and an athletic body that would make a girl go weak at the knees a bit when he would take his shirt off after Quidditch, but what was good looks when your personality sucked bullocks? 

She figured the best way to knock Draco off his game was to seduce him as much as he would attempt to seduce her. Draco was all about being smooth and sensual and he wouldn't expect any of that to come from her. He wouldn't know what hit him.

She sat in her seat reading the directions in her potions book, making sure she did everything correctly. They were actually making a treat today. Acid Pops. The pops were strong enough to make your tongue tingle and your mouth hot, however, if you put too much of an ingredient in the liquid candy, it could literally turn acidic and burn a hole through your tongue.

Draco watched Ginny as she worked on the potion. He had always admired the fiery red head, though he never understood where the animosity between the two of them came from. He had never personally treated her badly. However, he found there little spats invigorating. They excited him, turned him on. He liked it when she would attempt to put him his place as opposed to other girls who would just let him say and do as he pleased.

Plus she was sexy as hell with her deep crimson locks and her chocolate brown eyes that seemed to always say take me I'm yours. And he was definitely ready to take her.

Ginny felt his eyes on her. She turned to him, glaring.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked, voice dripping with attitude.

Draco smirked. "No, not at all. Just enjoying watching you work."

Ginny fought hard to not roll her eyes at the statement. She had to remind herself just what the little prick was up to. She also had to remind herself that she had to be what she never thought she would be to him. Nice.

"Don't you think you want to focus on your own brew?" she asked.

Draco shook his head. "I can't make the concoction. I'm allergic to the cinnamon that you have to put in."

Ginny felt a tiny bit bad for him. "You're allergic to cinnamon? Do you know how many good things have cinnamon as an ingredient?" she asked.

"Oh yeah." said Draco, a bit down about it. " Mother has this elf here from out home that fixes me special food so I don't ingest or touch any on accident."

Ginny scrunched her nose. He would have his own bloody elf here, the spoiled rich boy.

Draco read her expression. "I didn't ask her to." he said quickly. "She just doesn't want me dying, you know?"

That made Ginny soften a bit. "You could die?"

Draco nodded. "Anything from breaking out to my throat closing. So she just want a to be careful."

Ginny nodded. "Well, I'll be sure not to have anything touch you with it on it."

"Appreciate it."

Ginny shrugged and went back to her work.

"You know, you're pretty good at this." said Draco as he continued to watch Ginny.

Ginny grinned. "I thought you already knew that. I come second to you, just a point over Hermione."

"I mean yeah, you're good on paper. I meant your technique. You are naturally precise. Sometimes it seems like you don't even need to measure, or go back and change things."

"Ummm....thanks?" said Ginny, not really knowing what he was trying to say.

"I'm just trying to be nice and give you a compliment, Ginny." said Draco.

Ginny felt a small flutter in her stomach as he said her name. Normally, he would say some ridiculous pet name like Princess or Red, or just her last name. For some reason, him saying her actual name made her feel good.

That made her nervous. But she wouldn't let him know. Matter of fact, she felt she could use this to her advantage.

"Wow. You said my name. I was beginning to think you didn't know it." she said with a wink.

Her wink threw Draco instantly off. Ginny was never nice like this to him. He never had a decent conversation with her, so why all of a sudden was she being so willing to talk and interact?

He decided to just go with the flow. He did have a bet to win after all. And Ginny was looking exceptionally good today.

"I thought the same thing of you, seeing as you never say mine." said Draco, winking back.

"So we are on first name basis now?"

"I don't know. Say my name and let me see how it sounds, and then I'll tell you if you can use it." said Draco, pushing his seat back so he was resting on the back two legs, his hands behind his head.

Ginny looked around really quick to see if anyone was paying attention to them. She then leaned over Draco to where her breasts were right in his face, causing his eyes to grow as big as saucers.

"Draco." she whispered seductively in his ear. Draco fell back, landing on the floor with a huge thud, causing everyone to laugh and for Slughorn to come to his aid.

As Slughorn helped Draco off the floor, he kept his eyes locked on Ginny's face. She smiled innocently at him and then went back to her work.

'Clever.' he thought. 'Very clever. But two can play it that game Princess. You'll be begging for it by the end of the term.'

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