Chapter 9: Blaise's First Date Part 1

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Had to break this down into two parts. It was getting rather long.

For the next couple of weeks, things slowly progressed between the witches and the wizards.

Blaise was furious that Ron had already won, and was forced to listen to the freckled git until graduation, which was months away. Ron had yet to use his new power over Blaise yet. He was saving it for just the right time.

Hermione and Ron slowly became the "it" couple of Hogwarts. A lot of people that had noticed the tension between them over the years were extremely happy that they finally pulled their heads out of their bums and gotten together. They enjoyed each other's company even more now, as they really didn't feel too cautious and shy about what to say and what to do. However, after two weeks they hadn't even had their first kiss yet, which their friends found completely weird.

"Hermi, you mean to tell me that all those times that you two have snuck off to be around each other in private, you're not snogging each other senseless??" asked a bewildered Rashida. She was slowly picking up on British lingo, snogging actually becoming one of her favorite British words. She found the term extremely funny.

"It's not me." said Hermione. "I think he is doing that because he really wants me to know that our relationship isn't about just being physical. And while I love that he wants to show that, I wouldn't mind doing a bit of snogging from time to time. Especially when he's all tired from Quidditch practice and he smells like the earth and wind and Ronness and he's holding me close to him and-"

"You forget that I'm his sister and I do not want to hear your erotic Quidditch fantasies about my big brother." said Ginny, throwing a pillow at Hermione, causing the rest of the girls to laugh.

"Whatever. Like you haven't imagined snatching Malfoy's quidditch jersey off of him and having a go." laughed Hermione.

Ginny shook her head. "I shouldn't, should I? The boy is starting to drive me mental and I don't particularly like it!!"

Ginny and Draco had started to open up to each other more. She would tell him about what living in the Burrow was like, her brothers, they would bond hard over quidditch and music, and she soon found herself actually finding qualities in Draco that she liked. Despite being arrogant, he could he a perfect gentleman, he was a great listener, he was extremely smart, witty, he had immense passion about the things that really interest him, and though he actually liked kittens. Which she found strange and adorable. She found herself thinking that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't as bad as he seemed.

And then, the fact that he only wanted her for a shag would pop back in her head, making her come back to reality, and couple times she actually found herself troubled by it.

"What about you Pans? You and Harry seem to be getting pretty chummy." said Ginny, looking at Pansy as the girl brushed her long raven strands.

It was true, her and Harry were getting close. Closer than she herself would have liked
She too had to remind herself that this was all just a great to Harry, even if it didn't seem like it.

They too bonded over Quidditch, the pair sometimes helping one another with techniques despite the fact that they were on opposite teams. She found out that Harry was musically inclined like she was. He knew the piano very well like she did, saying that it was the only thing his evil aunt and uncle would allow him to do, and it was only to show off in front of their guests to make it seem like they were a well rounded family.

The night Harry opened up to Pansy about his muggle home was the night that things seemed to change. Pansy had never heard of such horrid abuse in her life that Harry had endured at the hands of his aunt, uncle, and cousin. She felt horrible that she grew up in such a loving home, while he grew up in almost hell. The fact that they kept him locked away in a cupboard under the stairs was enough to make her want to go to Privet Drive and hex the whole lot of them. It was like they were keeping the poor boy in a jail. She found herself actually wanting to be there for him more and more.

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