Chapter 19: The Christmas Party

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"Ginevra, bring your ass!! You've been getting ready for hours!! shouted Draco from outside the guest room that Ginny was staying in.

"You can't rush perfection!!" shouted Ginny back. "Of course you wouldn't know that!!"

Draco chuckled as he headed down the hall and down the grand staircase in his home. His mother and father were standing at the bottom, greeting guests as they came in.

"Draco darling, you look dashing." said Narcissa as she fixed Draco's bowtie on his dress robes.

"Mother, stop fussing, I'm already flawless." said Draco, waving her hand away.

"Your modesty becomes you." said Lucius, sarcastically.

"I get it from you honest, don't I, Father?" said Draco, glaring at the man.

Lucius raised a brow, readying himself to say something, but then decided against it. "Where's the Weasley girl?" he asked instead.

"Her name is Ginny."

"Ginevra, actually. Sounds more refined than Ginny." said Lucius, almost spitting out her nickname.

"Lucius dear, you said you would be kind for the remainder of her stay. That means tonight as well." growled Narcissa.

Lucius sighed. "Yes, my dear." he said as if he was a child pouting.

Just then, Blaise and Rashida entered the manor arm and arm.

"Blaise, it's wonderful to see you!!" said Narcissa, hugging Blaise. "And who is this lovely lady?"

"My friend-date Rashida Mosi, ma'am" said Blaise, a hint of attitude in his voice that Draco detected.

Rashida rolled her eyes, but smiled kindly at Narcissa. "Don't mind him. I'm pleased to meet you." she said as she gave a small curtsy.

"Your dress is so beautiful!!" said Narcissa. "Who is the maker?"

While Narcissa and Rashida chatted, Draco pulled Blaise aside. "The hell is wrong with you, mate?" he whispered.

"I'll tell you later." said Blaise.

After the chat, Rashida once again took Blaise's arm and nodded her head at Draco, who did the same back.

Blaise and Rashida walked towards the ballroom that Lucius had pointed out.

"So is this going to be you the whole night or...." said Rashida.

"Maybe. Let's just see what happens. Just like you said, right?" spat Blaise.

"I didn't say that to be rude to you, you do understand that right? And besides, I'm still your date, even though we are friends." said Rashida, giving Blaise puppy dog eyes.

Blaise rolled his eyes and grinned. She looked too adorable to stay mad at. And frankly, he really couldn't put a finger on why was he even irate with her.  "You're not cute."

"Of course not. I'm gorgeous. You told me that earlier, remember?" said Rashida with a wink.

"Cheeky woman."

Harry and Pansy was next to come in. As Narcissa gushed over Pansy and her attire (and as Lucius sneered at Harry), Draco took Harry aside.

"Well, Potter?" he asked.

Harry shook his head. "Definitely not the time. She overhears anything, I'll be losing a girlfriend tonight."

Draco smirked, impressed. He really didn't think Harry would even make a dent in Pansy's hardened shell.

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