Chapter 14: Love And Spaghetti

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Translation: baba liefde- baby love

This is my favorite chapter so far. I like writing about Blaise and Rashida and the exploration into the way his mind works. Now I'm wishing that I had just made a separate story so I could focus solely on these two. Maybe a future story, who knows.

Oh yeah. And I made a Drinny one shot based off a Harmione meme I had seen. It more than likely won't be posted here, so if you want to check it out, look for my Tumblr, weasleyismyking540

On with the fic :)

Blaise's mother wasn't there to pick up Blaise and Rashida, so Blaise did a side along apparition to the street near his home.

"Why didn't you just apparate to your house?" asked Rashida.

"Because it's under the fidelius charm and you wouldn't be able to see anything." said Blaise as they walked down the street. Soon they stopped in front of a field.

"Here, remember this." said Blaise as her handed her a piece of scrap parchment. "When you're done, burn it."

Rashida glanced at the parchment. "2799 Millie Lane." she said.

Out of nowhere, a dirt road and forest appeared. Rashida looked bewildered. She had never encountered such a charm before. She quickly burned the parchment and took Blaise's awaiting hand.

He led her through the woods, pointing out certain trees that were of significance. About three minutes later, they approached a huge yellow house, as yellow as the sun.

"Ma likes yellow." said Blaise, in response to Rashida's odd face.

"Where are we anyways?"

"Verona, Italy. You didn't expect such a specimen to be from England, did you?" smirked Blaise.

Rashida rolled her eyes. "Of course not. How could I not have known?" she said in a sarcastic tone.

Blaise laughed and opened the door to his home.

The house was bright inside with yellow walls, though not as violent on the eyes as the outside. Pictures of Blaise in various stages of life graced the living room. Rashida smiled at a 4 year old Blaise playing with a 4 year old Draco in a sandbox. The boys were building a castle, Blaise had slipped, and then they ended up fighting before the picture started over.

"We still have that sandbox in the backyard." said Blaise, shaking his head and chuckling at the memory the picture brought on.

"Ma? MAAAAAAAAAAA!! YOU HERE?" yelled Blaise as he and Rashida walked into the house's huge kitchen.

"There looks to be a note." said Rashida, eyeing the counter.

Blaise picked it up and read it, with Rashida looking over his shoulder.

Hello Baby!!

Sorry I couldn't be here when you and your friend arrived. I have business to attend to in Greece. I shall see the both of you tomorrow at breakfast.

Play nicely, and you be kind to your f guest. Kind. But not too kind.


"Awwww Mommy's wittle baba liefde." said Rashida, pinching Blaise's cheek.

'What the hell does that mean?"

"Don't worry about it. So, where do I sleep?"

" Come on." said Blaise, taking Rashida's hand and leading her up the stairs. More pictures were hanging on the wall going up the stairs. These were pictures of him and his mother.

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