Chapter 25: Voices Of Reason

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This chapter will flip between Pansy's room and Draco's as the conversations take place at the same time. Hope you can keep up lol

"I'm not doing it." said Pansy, stubbornly as she, Hermione, Rashida, and Ginny sat in Pansy's common room.

"Why not? You might as well." said Ginny.

"Look, just because your boys finally got their heads outta their asses, doesn't mean Potter has." said Pansy, crossing her arms.

"She has a point actually." said Rashida.

"But what if he has?" asked Hermione. "I'm sure they are discussing things just like we are."

"I really don't care, Hermione. Look, I decided a long time ago that this was the plan. Hell, I came up with the plan. Just because you three fell in love, doesn't mean I have to."

Hermione, Rashida, and Ginny blushed.

"I haven't fallen in love with Blaise. He's just admitting what he did and his faults changed his ways and I respect that. Yes. I like him, but love? Not there yet, no."

"Does Draco even know the meaning of the word?"

Hermione said nothing. Her and Ron were indeed in love.

Across the way in Draco's room, the guys were having a similar debate.

"You might as well just tell her." said Blaise. "I told Shida, and we are still together."

"Rashida and Pansy are two totally different people." said Harry. "Plus you said it while having a Gryffindor moment so of course she was going to stay with you."

"Sod off, Bolt Boy."

"You know Rah probably told the girls already." said Draco. "No way has she kept that to herself."

"She said she wouldn't. I trust her enough." said Blaise.

'Yeah, only cuz they already knew.' thought Ron. He wondered if he should just tell the boys that the girls knew all along, and that included Pansy. However, Draco also knew because of Ginny informing him and he had yet to say anything, and Blaise still didn't know how Rashida had found out. Blaise just figured she had guessed or overheard conversation. The whole matter had turned complicated.

"Look, if I tell Pansy there was a bet, do you think that would bode well with her?? She would hex me to oblivion." said Harry, pacing back and forth.

"You don't know that for sure." said Ron.

Blaise, Draco, and Harry just looked at Ron as if he were mental.

"What?? Oh wait, I forget. You three know her a lot more than I do."

"Exactly, Ron. She wouldn't forgive me. No matter how much I tell her I really do care for her."

"So you really do care for her?" asked Blaise.

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I do." barked Harry.

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I don't care for him" said Pansy to an asking Ginny.

"You sure about that?" asked Hermione.

Pansy scoffed. " I don't. Harry can be nice and yes he is attractive, but he is still a git for what he did. I can't trust him. I can't trust this whole relationship."

"Valentine's Day is next week." reminded Rashida. "What are you going to do? Are you really going to have sex with him like you said?"

"That Rah, is a great question. One that I don't have an answer to as of yet." said Pansy, chewing on her lip.

"Well I think losing one's virginity for the sake of proving a point would be completely ridiculous." said Hermione, firmly.

"I know that, thank you."

"So what are you going to do?" asked Ginny. "Build up the mood, turn him down, and then say that you knew?"

Pansy clapped her hands. "Thanks Gin, I could always count on you to give me the right thing to do!!"

"That isn't right, actually." said Ginny. "I think you should just tell him way beforehand, and get it over with."

"I think that you shouldn't shag at all." said Ron. "I think you should just be upfront with her."

"And she turns me down, Ron? Breaks up with me? If I didn't want to be with her, do you think I wouldn't give a fuck what the outcome was?" said Harry, throwing his snitch up in the air and catching it.

"Then I guess that's that then isn't it? You put yourself in this situation mate." said Ron.

"We all put ourselves in the situations that we are in." reminded Harry. "Who knew that Rashida would give Zabini a real chance."


"And really? Malfoy actually getting to Gin? She loathed the ground you walked on at one point."

Draco shrugged. "I'm irresistible, what can I say? Besides, I didn't bet to shag her."

"Doesn't mean you don't want to." said Harry.

Ron glared at Draco, who again shrugged.

"On come off it Weasley, she is my girlfriend after all. If she wants it, who am I to deny her?" smirked Draco.

"Fuck you, ferret."

"The only real honest one in this was Ron. At least he really wanted to be with Hermione." said Harry, pointing to his best mate.

"Who said I didn't want Shida?" asked Blaise, defensively.

"You only wanted to shag her, admit it."

"Shit, who wouldn't want to shag her?? But I got to know her, didn't I? I eventually started wanting her for more than just that tempting ass body she has." said Blaise.

"Knew it." said Draco, earning a pillow to the face thrown by Blaise.

"You wankers are no help." said Harry.

"We at, but you just don't want to listen." said Ron. "This shit is bigger than a fucking bet. If you care about her, you need to be truthful."

"She wants to shag on Valentine's Day." said Harry.

Draco rolled his eyes. "So that's why you don't wanna tell? It'll ruin your V-Day romp? And I thought I was a prat."

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Harry, sharply.

"Sounds like you just don't want to tell her because you want to make sure you get to fuck." said Draco nonchalantly.

Harry whipped his wand out at Draco, who whipped his out in return.

"Awww shit." said Blaise, getting comfortable in Draco's chair. Ron put his hand on Harry's extended arm, trying to push it down.

"What's wrong, Potter?" antagonized Draco. "You mad because I told you the damn bloody truth? Or are you mad that you don't wanna face that it is the truth?"

Harry was fuming. As badly as he wanted to hex Draco, he couldn't help but think that there could be some hidden truth to his words.

He lowered his wand and then walked out the door, slamming it after him.

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