Chapter 31: Help From Miss Lovegood

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Weeks passed with Pansy and Harry not speaking to one another, despite the group's attempts to force some kind of reconciliation. Their actions were wearing the group of friends extremely thin. 

The girls tried their hardest to talk some sense into the stubborn as a bull Pansy. No matter how much they tried to make her see reason, she still wouldn't budge. The boys (mainly Blaise and Ron because Draco found himself to be over it) tried to convince Harry to smooth things over with her, to apologize. However, Harry felt betrayed that Pansy had known all along and had used him, so he had no words for her. 

Harry sat in the stands after a very grueling Quidditch practice, as they were to be playing Slytherin for the Quidditch Cup that weekend. He absolutely dreaded the game, not only because of the significance of the game, but also because he would have no choice but to face Pansy. Though it wouldn't be much as he was seeker and she was a chaser, they would still be sharing the field. 

Though he was still very much angry at her, he did miss her tremendously. He found himself thinking back to the nightly flies, late night cuddles and conversation. He had opened up to her more than he had Ron and Ron was like the brother he never had. Pansy had been a great comfort to him, a guiding light.

"Hello, Harry Potter." said a sweet and airy voice, taking Harry out of his mind. 

Harry looked to the left of him and saw Luna Lovegood sitting next to him. Her crystal blue eyes shown brightly, her smile welcoming. 

"Luna, what brings you out?" asked Harry. 

"I've been looking for my shoes." she said, sticking a bare but dainty foot in the air for Harry to see. "They seemed to have all disappeared." 

Harry sighed. The Ravenclaws loved to play tricks on Luna. They made a game of it. 

"I suspect nargles are behind it. They love to inconvenience people by taking things they need. Quite pesky they are, nargles."

Luna never blamed anyone for the things that happened to her. 

"Oh. Well, hope you find them soon." said Harry, not knowing what exactly to respond with.

"You seem out of sorts, Harry. Is it because you and Pansy Parkinson broke up?" asked Luna as if she was asking for the time. 

Harry eyes widened as he looked at Luna. " did you-"

"It's not secret, it's easy to figure out. You were talking before Valentine's Day, and after that day, you stopped." said Luna. 

"Oh. Well no. I don't care." said Harry, looking out onto the pitch. 

"I beg to differ." said Luna. "I think you care a lot. I think the both of you care a lot."

"Really? Abs how would you know?" asked Harry, sharply. 

"You two aren't happy. Your auras are dimming when they used to shine quite brightly. You seem off in your movements as if you're missing a part of yourself. She seems unmotivated to do anything. I saw her fly the other day, she was terrible."

Harry sighed. He didn't like the sound of that. Pansy adored flying, it was one of her many strengths and she took great pride in it. 

"She lied to me about something." said Harry.

"And why did she do that?" asked Luna. 

"Because I.....I.... I kept something damaging from her..." said Harry, slowly, realizing how ridiculous his logic sounded.

"So you don't show her forgiveness for lying to you when you lied to her? That doesn't make much sense, doesn't it Harry?"

Harry looked down at his feet. "No. No it doesn't actually."

Luna patted Harry's back. "I think that you two have some trust issues that you need to work out. And you have some apologies to make." said Luna. "Even if you don't get back with her, at least you let her know that you actually do have a caring bone in your body." 

"She doesn't want anything to do with me Luna." said Harry. 

"If you really care for her they way I know you do, you will find a way to make her listen. It isn't that hard. With Pansy Parkinson, however, maybe a grand gesture would do. She is all about the dramatics, you know."

Harry gave Luna a genuine smile, something he hadn't been able to do in a while. "Thanks, Luna."

"Anytime. Now I must be getting in. My feet are getting quite cold, and your wrackspurts that inhabit your hair are annoying me." said Luna, getting up to leave. 

Harry smirked. Leave it to Luna Lovegood to actually make him see reason. 

Luna made her way back to the castle. She applauded herself for making Harry see reason when his friends could not. She had been observing the group of friends for quite some time. She even know about the boys childish bet and the girls foolish attempt to get back at them. Luna was extremely observant. 

She walked to the library where she knew Pansy would be, as Pansy had started retreating there when she didn't want to go back to her dorm. Sure enough, Luna spied the girl leaning over parchment, writing vigorously. Pansy wasn't as easy person to talk to, so she knew that she had to get this right and avoid confrontation. Luna took a deep breath and headed over, knowing full well that talking to Pansy would be as easy as pulling a grindylow’s teeth. 

Pansy was trying to wrap up her potions essay, a brutal 20 inches that was due tomorrow. She heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see the odd Ravenclaw sixth year smiling at her like she was extremely happy to be in her presence. 

"Can I help you?" asked Pansy, eyeing the strange girl. 

Luna took in a deep breath. She was going to have to make this short and sweet. 

"Harry and you deserve each other, no matter what you might think. You both have done each other wrong, and holding onto it is making the both of you miserable. Stubbornness will get you nowhere. Instead, you'll just continue to open the same wound and damage yourselves because you are too prideful to seek a cure. Do the right thing. Talk to Harry." said Luna, not skipping a beat. 

Pansy gazed astounded at the girl, not knowing exactly what to say. Luna gave Pansy a kind smile, turned, and then headed towards the door. 

"He's on the Quidditch pitch by the way." she said before she walked out, leaving Pansy dazed and confused. 

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