Chapter 22: Playing The Game

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"I can't believe it." said Daphne Greengrass to her friend. " I refuse to believe that you are actually dating Harry Bleeding Potter."

Pansy smirked. "Believe it, we have been together since Christmas."

"But why? You know what kind of git he is." said Astoria Greengrass, Daphne's fifth year sister. "He's nothing but a slag. He wouldn't know how to treat a girl if he was under the imperius curse!!"

Pansy laughed. "Actually, he is really sweet." she said. "He treats me like a princess."

"Of course he does." said Daphne. "He treated the Gryff Patil twin like that too, didn't he? Didn't he just fuck her in November? You were the one who told me about it!!"

"Yes, he did. But we weren't close like that at that particular time, but Harry and I have gotten to know each other better. There is more to him that just sex and quidditch."

"How would you know?" asked Astoria.

"I am dating him aren't I?"

"Yeah. For reasons unknown."

"Look, Harry and I fancy each other, okay?" said Pansy, wishing they would drop the conversation. "He has changed, and he did that for me. Can you as my friends just be happy for me?"

Astoria sighed and nodded. Daphne however, would not be swayed.

"I'm sorry, I can't support this." said Daphne. "What if he hurts you? What if he treats you like all these other girls out here?"

"You mean like you?" said Pansy, her anger growing. "You weren't saying any of that in sixth year when you were with him now were you?"

Astoria gasped. Daphne's cheeks turned a deep red.

"That was too far, Pans!!" said Astoria, defending her sister.

"Pansy sighed. "You're right. Daphne, I was completely out of line with saying that, and I'm truly sorry."

Daphne looked hurt, but shrugged it off. "You were upset, I understand. And you're right. I was not complaining when Harry and I were seeing each other. He treated me well, he did. But then we had sex and guess what? A week later, we broke up because he didn't want me anymore. He treats relationships like a game, their whole group does. Well, maybe not Weasley, but the others sure as hell do. You're one of my best friends. I just don't want to see you be like me. Just a notch on Harry Potter's belt."

Pansy nodded, hugging her friend. "Thanks Daph. I appreciate you looking out for me. I'll be fine, okay? Harry has met his match and he knows it."

"What do you mean?" asked Daphne.

"You'll see soon enough." said Pansy with a wink.

Pansy and Harry took to flying around the quidditch pitch every evening after dinner. Most of the time they would fly on separate brooms, liking to race each other or try to catch Harry's practice snitch. Recently, however, Pansy had started riding Harry's broom with him.

Harry found himself thinking about Pansy more and more as an actual girlfriend, and not a girl he made a girlfriend to shag. He loved that Pansy could be a bitch at times, he loved her honesty, he loved her charms, and best of all, he loved when she listened.

He would love it even more however, if she would stop acting like she was going to put out, and simply do it.

After their fly, Harry walked Pansy to Slytherin.

"Do you wanna have some tea with me?" asked Pansy in a sweet voice.

"Sure." said Harry, thinking about how maybe tonight might be the night.

He had been to Pansy's dorm many times, so he knew that there wouldn't be interruptions as she didn't share the common room and dorm with anyone because the Head Boy was a Ravenclaw.

Pansy's room was like Draco and Blaise's dorm only her bed was slightly bigger than theirs, her furniture was brown instead of black, and her sheets were a dark pink, instead of Draco's black sheets and Blaise's blue.

They sat on Pansy's sofa. She summoned one of the school elves and asked it to bring some tea and biscuits. Soon, they were sipping and nibbling quietly.

"What's wrong, Harry darling?" asked Pansy as she seen that Harry was more quiet than usual.

"Nothing." said Harry.

"No, what is it?"

"You'll only get upset and think barmy." said Harry.

Pansy had a feeling as to where this conversation was going. "Just talk to me. We've always been able to share our feelings."

Harry put his teacup down. "Do you like me?"

Pansy laughed at Harry's question. Harry just looked at her.

"Oh you're serious?"

"Very much."

"Harry, that question is absurd. Of course I like you. I wouldn't be with you if I didn't." said Pansy, holding Harry's hand.

"Then why won't you let me get closer to you?" asked Harry trying to sound as if his feelings were hurt by the thought.

"Harry, what do you mean? We talk about everything. You know more than most." said Pansy, truthfully.

Harry scooted closer to her. "I meant physically."

Pansy was rolling in laughter inside of her head, but keeping a very straight face. "I mean I am a virgin as you know. I've never thought about sex really."

"Oh." said Harry, attempting to be glum about it.

Pansy suddenly had an idea.

"It's not that I wouldn't object to it. I. just need to prepare my mind and myself, you know? That's a big level to cross in a relationship you know."

Unfortunately, Harry didn't know. He had given his virginity up as soon as Cho Chang gave him the opportunity. Still, he played as if he did. And laid it on thick.

"That is true." he agreed. "I mean I thought that Cho and I had something real, and she was my first. Didn't last long after that, I'm afraid."

'Of course it didn't. I know everything, Potter.' thought Pansy.

"I want our moment to be special." said Pansy, gently caressing Harry's cheek tenderly. "I've got it. What about Valentine's Day? It would be perfect!! The most romantic thing to do on one of the most romantic days of the year??"

Harry smiled. She had just made this ten times easier. "That's brilliant!!" he said. "We could make a whole day out of it despite classes. Just you and me."

Pansy smiled back. "I like the sound of that."she said as she kissed him.

'Harry, you're too bloody easy. I'm going to make you fall in love with me and when Valentine's Day comes, I'm going to obliterate your heart.' thought Pansy.

'Easy money.' thought Harry.

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