Chapter 39: Nervous

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I am so so so so sorry this took forever to write. Truth be told, I had a very hard time with this chapter and I'm still not completely satisfied with it. That and life got very much in the way.

I should be wrapping this story up soon. I had so much fun writing it, especially the dynamics with Blaise and Rashida. I will most definitely make a fic for them on their own, they are just too cute.

Also, I am currently moving these pics over to Wattpad. Don't worry, whatever new fics I come up with shall always be posted here, but I like over there too. It is also giving me an opportunity to edit and revamp my fics, so I will be doing a lot of that with them as well. So, if you read any of them over and you see some new things or see some ish taken out, that is why. The Royals, Twelve Kisses, The All Knowing Luna Lovegood, Rescue Me, The Lives Of The Broken, and Diamonds and Rubies have all been edited and revamped.

Anyways, on with the fic :)

Ron made his way towards the Room of Requirement wondering for what Hermione could have wanted. Her note didn't explain much at all, just said there was a surprise for him. For her to be breaking the rules, it must have been really serious.  Hermione rarely broke the rules. Bent them maybe, but hardly ever break them.

He hoped that it wasn't anything bad, despite the letter saying surprise. Surprises were usually good, but you never knew when it Hermione. Weren't they doing well? Wasn't she happy with him? He was most certainly over the moon happy with her. Had he done something wrong?

His mind flashbacked to a few days ago when they were getting pretty cozy in his bed. He remembered he had rubbed his hand up her smooth caramel colored thigh. She seemed like she liked it at first, and then his hand made it to her soft spot and she really seemed to enjoy that. But then after a couple of minutes, she wanted to stop. She said she wasn't ready. And while he respected that 100%, he just couldn't shake the feeling that he had done something wrong and she wasn't telling him. He felt like maybe blue had rushed things, and she was now going to let him have it. He was not looking forward to a cross Hermione.

He had finally made it to the seventh floor without being detected. He also had Harry's map, and it had said that Filch wasn't too far from him, so he crouched down against the wall trying to make his tall and bulky self as small as he could, so that the cloak could cover up every inch of him. He watched as Mrs. Norris sniffed around, more than likely catching the scent of his cologne that Hermione loved for him to wear. The cat looked confused as she turned her head towards him and saw absolutely nothing at all. He held his breath as Filch and Mrs. Norris passed slowly by him and went down the stairs.

He let out a sigh of relief and stood up in front of the tapestry. He then thought of getting to Hermione, as she really didn't give him.any instructions on how to gain entry to the room. A minute later, an old door appeared. A door that looked belonged in a classroom.

He opened the door and walked in, closing the door after himself. He looked around and noticed that the room resembled the school library to a tee. Even down to Madam Pince's rickety looking desk.

"Hermione? Where are you?" he whispered.

He walked the aisles of books until he got to the study area. Then his mouth fell open.

There Hermione was sitting stretched out on one of the tables wearing something that he had only seen in one of Dean's muggle Playboy bunny books his cousin sent him from America. She had on these somewhat big black frames, making her look like a tantalizing nerd. She had books stacked up around her. Ron had never been turned on by the library and literature in his life.

Her legs, despite her height, were long, smooth, inviting. She had on high heels, which only added to the illusion. The fact that even though she was only pretending to read, yet she looked like she was thoroughly interested in the book made Ron think that maybe she should study a bit harder. Especially when the subject material was her.

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