Chapter 21: Fear Of Falling

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Rashida laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling of her four poster bed. She waved her finger around, emitting tiny balls of light like lightning bugs and watched as they made patterns in the air. Her mind was heavy and had been heavy ever since she opened up to Hermione on Christmas.


Hermione and Rashida found an empty parlor room. From the way it was decorated, it seemed to be one of Narcissa's.

They sat down on the soft sofa, a fire stared out of nowhere. This must have been the room's way of making them comfortable.

"Now, what's wrong?" asked Hermione.

"What I tell you can't leave this room." stated Rashida. "I may tell Blaise myself, I don't know, but right now, this stays between us."

"Of course." said Hermione, situating herself to face Rashida and give her undivided attention.

Rashida breathed in. "I've knew a Blaise Zabini type. His name was Nafume, and he was in a year above me. He was so handsome. He kept his hair short, he was tall, his skin was like the night, and his eyes were hazel. I used to get lost in them every time I would stare. I had developed a crush on him my first year. We had became friends. I thought that over time, the crush would fade, and that we would just be friends. I was wrong."

Rashida took in another breath, as if she was preparing herself for something. "My fifth year came. All of a sudden, he would flirt with me. Called me his pragtige. Meaning his beautiful. He would walk around holding my hand, he would eat with me, take long walks around school with me. And then one night, he took me to his room. He kissed me. My first kiss. Next thing I know, we really get into it and we both end up naked. And, I gave him all of me."

Hermione gasped. "Rashida..."

"I had went to sleep with him holding me. I had woken up back in my bed. I didn't understand what happened at the time, but later on when I went to talk to him, he acted so cold. As if he didn't want anything to do with me. Come to find out, he only wanted one thing from me. And like a dumbass I gave it to him. I thought he would love me."

Rashida looked tired after telling her story. Tired, and hurt. Hermione placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry that you went through that. You didn't deserve it." said Hermione.

"You sure about that?" asked Rashida. "I willingly gave my heart, mind, and body to him and he used it. I didn't even stop there. We had sex three more times because I thought I could persuade him to fall in love with me like I did him. Finally, he told me that everything was just sex and that he didn't love me. He didn't even like me in that way. Blaise is just like him. He wants one thing from me and then once he gets it, he will throw me away."

"But what if you really did help him? What if he really changed?" asked Hermione.

Rashida shook her head. "I can't give him that chance. Even though over the holiday, I got to see a better side of him, and even though he seems to be changing. I can't allow him to do that to me. I refuse to be hurt like that again."


Rashida laid there, watching the lights twinkle as they flew, holding on the the pendant of Blaise's necklace. She was starting to hate the fact that he was on her mind so much.

She was happy that Blaise was starting to seem like he was changing. She didn't see him flirting with other girls as she did when she first arrived, he wasn't acting like a prat to her, and he seemed as if he wanted to be genuine. However, that bloody bet was always a lingering thought in Rashida''s mind.

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