Chapter 36: Mended Bodies, Mended Hearts

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This chapter starts off while the game is still going on, while Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Pansy are in the hospital wing. So there will be parts of the last chapter in this one.

On with the fic :)

"Please, can I just sit with him??" begged Pansy as Madam Pomfrey tries to rush her away.

"My dear, you are more than welcome to sit with Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley, but right now, I need full concentration while working on Mr. Potter. Head injuries are delicate things." said Madam Pomfrey, trying to be as comforting as she could.

Pansy sold and watched sadly as Pomfrey levitated Harry towards a room and closed the door. She then walked over to where Ron and Hermione were. Ron was sitting on the side of as bed, arm in a sling as he sipped on pumpkin juice. Madam Pomfrey had just mended his broken arm, but his wrist had also been sprung, and there was no way to fix a spring.

"She won't let me in." said Pansy. "That gash, the blood..."

Hermione grabbed Pansy's hand. "He'll be fine, Pans. Madam Pomfrey will set him right as rain. He will probably be out of here by tomorrow."

"I can't believe Greg would do such a thing. I ought to kick him in the bollocks. Harry did not deserve that at all. I'm so scared for him, what if something happened to his brain??" said Pansy, angrily slumping down in the chair beside Ron's bed.

"Looks like Potter has been replaced by Gryffindor's reserve seeker, Rashida Mosi." they heard Lee's voice say in the distance. "Now, if she plays as good as she looks, this game could be in the bag, folks."

"Well, at least they put her in the game." said Ron. "Dunno what they are going to do about keeping the goals. I'm so bloody stupid."

"No you're not, Ron. You didn't see it coming, that was a dirty dirty trick they did. I can't believe Malfoy- well I'll take that back. I can believe he allowed it to happen. But he sounded angry about what happened to Harry." said Hermione, rubbing Ron's back.

"Knowing him, he probably plotted to get me out." chuckled Ron. "Malfoy knows his chasers don't stand a chance with me. Cruel politics of Quidditch, it is."

"I don't see the humor in it." said Hermione, crossing her arms.

"We did plot to take you out, sorry Ron. said Pansy, feeling bad.

"As I said, cruel politics of Quidditch."

"You Quidditch players are insufferable."

"Slytherin has control of the quaffle with Zabini who has passed it back to Flin, and again back to Zabini, who is closing in on the hoops. Dennis Creevey seemed to be rushing towards the hoops in an attempt to guard, but Zabini manages to get the quaffle through the middle hoop. 10 points to Slytherin. The score is now 150 to 60!!" they heard Lee say.

"Kill me now." said Ron, laying back so his head rested on Hermione's thigh. Hermione gave him a sympathetic grin as she ran her fingers through his hair, trying to relax him. In a matter of minutes, her soothing hands had put Ron's exhausted body to sleep.

Pansy looked at the couple and couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. They seemed to have it all, a loving relationship that was more than just a snog and a shag.

"I never apologized to you Hermione" said Pansy. "Lying about Ron making the bet to shag you too. I should have just told you the truth."

Hermione shrugged. "You should have, but I realize why you didn't. I probably wouldn't have been as bold as I was with him."

"You two look really great together."

"You and Harry looked great together too, despite circumstances." said Hermione. "You seemed to be a comfort to him. Ron even said he wasn't having the nightmares about his parents anymore, and he was getting over the abuse the Dursleys put him through."

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