Chapter 11: Holiday Plans

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The next few chapters will occur over the Christmas holidays, where a lot will take place. Not sure exactly how many chapters will be holiday based as I am working with four couples, but we will see how it goes.

Christmas holiday was only a few days away and everyone was deciding on what they wanted to do for it.

Since the Weasley parents were going to be visiting Charlie in Romania because he couldn't come for Christmas, Ron was invited to Hermione's while Ginny had decided to stay at school. Pansy found herself actually inviting Harry to her house for the holidays, Rashida's parents had dealings to handle in the states so she decided to stay, while Draco and Blaise tried to figure out exactly what they wanted to do.

"I don't want to go home." said Draco. "They will be having their boring ass Christmas party."

"They are having that, aren't they? You should go." said Blaise.

"Did you not hear the boring part?"

"I did. But it won't be if you invite Ginny to come with you." said Blaise in a sing song voice. "And I could come too and invite Shida."

"Shida?" asked Draco, eyebrow raised. "Since when do you nickname them?"

Blaise looked around to avoid Draco's eyes. "We have a better understanding is all"

Draco looked at his best mate, realization hitting him, causing him to laugh. "You fancy her, don't you? Like genuinely fancy her."

"Shut up, no I don't." said Blaise quickly. "We just get along better, damn. Worry about your own relationship."

"I would if Ginny and I had one, but we don't, so I'm more interested in yours." said Draco, smirking.

"I don't have one either. Haven't gotten there yet."

"So, you're actually going to make this a relationship?" asked Draco.

"How else can I get at her knickers? She isn't gonna give shit up unless I'm her boyfriend. So, I gotta do what I gotta do." said Blaise cockily, even though he felt that now starting to get familiar and stronger pull at his heart and conscience.

Draco shrugged. "Guess you're right. All of them seem to be that way. Your idea seems to have merit though. I heard she isn't going home, why don't you invite her to stay with you for the holiday and then you come over on Christmas night for the party?"

Blaise contemplated the thought. To ask her to come with him to his house would mean that he would be alone with her. For two whole weeks she would be in his house. She would also end up meeting his mother, something a conquest never got the opportunity to do. Way too intimate. But in a way, it didn't sound like a bad idea.

"I'll see what she says." said Blaise. "What about you? Weasley said his sister is staying here. You should do the same since you're suggesting shit."

"Get out of my head, I was already going to."

"No you weren't."

Draco looked at his watch as he leaned against the wall beside the Transfiguration classroom. He was waiting on the class to let out, as Ginny was in there and he happened to have a free period.

When the door opened and students started walking out, he spotted her flames amongst the small crowd. He reached in and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her over to him. Ginny laughed as she faced him. He often did that to her when he wanted to surprise her out of nowhere.

"Were you waiting on me?" she asked him.

"I'm always waiting on you, Princess." joked Draco as he took Ginny's messenger bag from her shoulder and placed it on his. A couple of passing Slytherin girls, Millicent Bulstrode and Tracey Davis scrunched up their noses at the two.

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