Chapter 13: First Kiss

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"Ron!! It's been so long!? How are you?" greeted Ava Granger when Hermione and Ron had gotten off the train and met up with them.

"I'm fine, Ms. Granger, thanks for asking." said Ron, trying to put on his best manners. He then shook Michael Granger's hand while Hermione hugged her mother and gushed over how her hair had grown and how different she was looking.

The Grangers led the teens to their car. Ron always admired cars. You could say he was downright muggle like about them. He loved the way they looked, he was interested in seeing how they worked, and he was fascinated by how this device didn't require magic to move.

"Ron, why don't you sit in the front with me and talk while my wife and only daughter catch up." said Michael comically.

Hermione gave her father a look of warning. "Now Daddy, you won't start trying to scare my boyfriend now, will you?"

Michael gave his daughter a wink. " none of that, Jean. I just want to get to know him a bit better, that's all. Will you grant me that? You don't mind of course, do you Ron?" asked Michael, patting him on the back.

"No, not at all." said Ron, nervously.

They entered the car with Ron in the passenger's side and then were on their way. For awhile, neither man said a word.

"I really like your car, Mr. Granger." said Ron.

"This here Ron is what you call a Volkswagen Passat. A nice reliable family car with a good look. Feel how smooth it handles."

Ron nodded in agreement. He couldn't feel the bumps that they could tell other cars were hitting, which made for a very enjoyable ride.

"Have you ever driven a car, Ron?"

"No sir, I haven't."

"Well, we will just have to get you learning while you're with us. Every man, even wizards, need to know a thing or two about a car I believe." said Michael.

"I agree sir."

Michael chuckled. "Now Ron, you don't have to agree just because I'm Hermione's dad and you want to impress me."

Ron got nervous again. "N-n-no sir, that's not it." he stuttered to get out.

"Its fine. I know a good man when I see it, and that you are. You won't be getting the intentions speech from me. I trust my daughter to make the right decisions in her life, choosing a respectable person to share her time with is one of them."

Ron relaxed a bit. "Thank you sir."

"You're welcome. Just don't get my only daughter pregnant. Then I would have to kill you." said Michael in a tone that was meant for comedy, but you could tell he was 100% serious, causing Ron to gulp.

For the rest of the ride, they talked about cars and brooms and Ron tried to explain Quidditch as best he could, fascinating Michael to no end. Hermione beamed at the way her father and boyfriend were getting along. Both men were very important to her in her life, and she was happy to see that they were fond of each other.

When they arrived at the Granger's Ron couldn't believe his eyes. Hermione's home was huge. It very much rivaled The Burrow. It was brick with cobblestone walkway and vines growing up the wall, making it look like it was out of one of those muggle fairy tale books that Hermione had shown him. He saw signs of rose bushes as well as flower beds. Ava must have liked to grow flowers in the spring.

When they entered the home, Ron was even more fascinated. He had never been in a muggle home before. He was mystified to see the family pictures that wouldn't move, complimenting on one that Hermione thought was very embarrassing from her primary school years, he found the vacuum that Ava had left out interesting, as he never encountered something that would suck up dirt. He had to find a way to get his mother one someday.

As Hermione gave Ron the tour of her home, she reveled in the fact that Ron was so amazed by the things that she would believe to be mundane. They put his things in the room he would be staying in, where he admired the non moving posters and model airplanes that were in there. Michael had a hobby of building model airplanes.

"Where's your room?" asked Ron, blushing slightly.

Hermione felt the tingle in her cheeks too as she opened the door to her sanctuary.

Ron looked around and laughed. Of course Hermione had a full bookshelf as a wall, but he was shocked to see her room so girly. Her walls were a pastel purple, she had plush and soft white carpet on the floor with a couple flower shaped area rugs, a white and purple canopy bed, stuffed animals sitting in netting that was handing off her wall, a statue of a ballerina in the corner, a telly with a VCR with a bean bag couch in front of it a white vanity and wardrobe, and something he found adorable, starts on her ceiling that apparently glowed in the dark.

"I like it. It's unexpected, just like you." said Ron as he looked around.

"Thanks." said Hermione as she sat down on her bed and watched Ron explore her room. When he was done, Ron went and sat down beside her.

"Thanks for inviting me here, Hermione, you have a really nice place."

"What's wrong with you?" asked Hermione all of a sudden.

Ron looked at Hermione, puzzled by her question.

"What are you talking about?"

"We have been going out for what, a month now almost? And being around you is fun and I enjoy our conversations, don't get me wrong. But its like you don't want to be intimate with me. Even if its just a little kiss." said Hermione, almost worried.

Ron shook his head. "It isn't that at all, love. I just didn't want to do anything that would make you second guess things. This didnt start out in the best of terms you know. I didn't want to fuck anything up."

"Language, Ronald."

"Awh come on. Say fuck." joked Ron.

"I'm not saying that word Ron, its positively vulgar." said Hermione.

"Say fuck and I'll kiss you." said Ron.

"You would kiss these vulgar lips?"

"Would you kiss these?"

Hermione found herself leaning into Ron and before she realized what she was doing, her lips was upon his. The softness of his lips surprised her.

She pulled back and looked at Ron's shocked face. For a second, she had thought she had done something wrong by being so assertive. Perhaps it was too much for him.

That was until she felt Ron's lips back on hers. His kiss was so tender, it almost made her melt in his arms. He pulled her closer to him as their tongues danced with each other. Hermione let out a small moan, making the blood rush to Ron's anxious and growing anatomy and his hand got lost in the softness of her hair.

She pulled him down with her as she laid back on her bed. She wanted to be surrounded by him, consumed by him. She let out a satisfied sigh as his kisses moved from her lips to her neck, his strong hand massaging her side as it moved up and down her body.

"Hermione!! Ron!! Dinner is ready!!" they heard Ava call up.

Ron and Hermione looked at each other and laughed. " and that was the other reason why." said Ron. "Once I would start, I would never want to stop."

Hermione blushed. "Maybe next time, you won't have to."

Run moaned pleadingly as she laughed and pushed him off of her. She straightened up her hair while  Ron fixed his shirt. Then they headed down the steps for dinner, very much pleased with themselves.

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