~Chapter 7~

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Early update because we reached 100 views! I'll have chapter 8 up tomorrow afternoon. Thank you guys so much!
Thirty minutes, more or less, had passed and just as Frank had promised he was back upstairs. James was trailing behind Frank, the two of them making casual conversation, wrapping up all of their previous discussions. Frank had followed James to the door as he left and bid him goodbye, James doing the same. James had also nodded a quick 'bye' to Gerard. Gerard wasn't familiar with the gesture and tilted his head slightly from his perch on the couch. James ended up not commenting and showing himself out.

Frank walked back over and sat next to Gerard. He ruffled Gerard's messy and kinda greasy hair with a smile. "It's gettin' a little late, you tired Gee?" he asked.

Gerard shook his head, "no... who was that?" Gerard changed the subject.

"James, he's a friend of mine. And before you ask, he was over here to show me some tracks he put together. I'm gonna help him put lyrics to it and we are gonna start our own little side project."

"If that's a side project, then what's your main project?"Gerard tilted his head in the way he always did when he asked a questions. His ears perked up so he could hear the answer clearly, and his eyes trained on the one who was to answer it, so in this case of course, Frank.

"It's this band with a couple of friends and my ex-in-law," he shrugged.

"Ex-in-law?" Gerard leaned forward more, becoming more intrigued.

"Yeah, my ex-wife's brother..." Frank nodded, providing the most basic explanation he could.

"Why is she not your wife anymore?" Gerard furrowed his eyebrows.

"You.." he poked Gerard's nose, "ask a lot of questions. It's high time we get you a bath and tucked in for bed."

"But I'm not sleepy and I wanna know what happened between you and your wife. Was she a mean lady? Did she go to jail so you divorce-ed her? Why does her brother still like you?" Gerard straightened out his posture in a need of answers.

Frank chuckled at Gerard's curiosity, and the way he had pronounced 'divorced' wrong. "Bath time then bed time," he insisted.

"But I wanna knowwww!" Gerard whined loudly and pouted.

"You'll know some other time, now come on," Frank put more firmness in his voice.

"No bath!" Gerard gave in on the other subject and let it drop.

"Your hair's greasy kitten, you need a bath."

"No!" Gerard screeched. He was after all part cat, and well if you've ever tried to give a cat a bath, there's almost always blood. Gerard hated getting wet.

"Tonight or tomorrow morning, your choice," Frank said.

"Neither," Gerard narrowed his eyes.

"Gerard, this isn't something to bargain," he warned.

"Fine," Gerard huffed, "Tomorrow morning," he agreed. Although Gerard didn't actually agree, he just needed more time to try and get out of it. Like he, the cat as stubborn as a mule, would agree to take a bath in as easy as a couple minutes. No sir-ee, not Gerard, never, or my name isn't C---- C------- A----(Ha like I'd put my name on here).

"Alright then, let's go get you tucked in," he smiled and scooped Gerard up in his arms.

Gerard meowed a little in surprise, and held onto Frank tightly.

"Calm your grip kitty, I've got you," he chuckled and carried Gerard into his room. Frank set him on the bed and tucked the blankets over him, "Now, my room is the one right across the hall, so should you need me, that's where I am."

Gerard nodded a little. He had to admit, this bed was quite comfortable. He hadn't slept in a proper bed in quite a while. His previous owner had stopped letting him sleep in the bed with them when Gerard had gotten too big. It felt nice to stretch out, but also kind of lonely.

"Need anything?" Frank asked in conformation to make sure that Gerard was all set.

"No," he smiled and shook his head.

Frank leaned down and kissed Gerard's forehead, "You're gonna have a good life here, I promise," he smiled and walked to the door. "Good night, sleep well," he flipped off the light, and walked out of the room. He left the door open a crack, something he did out of habit, when you live alone for a while it's easier to not shut doors all the way. It was hard to turn a door knob with a beer in one hand and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in the other, you feel?

Gerard was left, surrounded by the darkness, which was overcome by the feeling of soft bedding covering him. He was moderately scared of the dark. It was an old fear, one of many, he had grown tougher in the last month of course, but some things you just can't shake. He would be able to suck it up for one night he was sure. He could do it, of all the things he could do now, sleep alone in the dark was one of them.

Gerard fluttered his eyes shut and focused on how warm he felt in the blankets, rather than the emptiness of the room. He focused on the soft bed under his body, rather than the way that when he opened his eyes he couldn't differentiate a visual difference that they were indeed open. That was another thing in itself. Something he didn't even want to touch on. If he thought about it too long he'd end up poking his eyes to see if they were open or closed, belive it or not this had happened before to him. That's a story we don't have time for though.

Frank had slipped into bed after brushing his teeth. A toothbrush was something he had totally forgotten to purchase for Gerard. It wasn't something you think of when shopping for someone to move in with you that has virtually nothing. He'd take Gerard cloths shopping tomorrow and made a mental note to stop at some corner drug store and pick up a tooth brush for the neko.

After the small thoughts about toothbrushes he had drifted into sleep. Frank was quite the heavy sleeper mind you. He had learned adapted to it, he lived in a loud neighborhood growing up, police, fire engine, and ambulance sirens happened to rip through the air every other night. He also snored as loud as a New Yorker belted out profanities when stuck in traffic.

However tonight something had disrupted his slumber and he belted out a high-pitched scream.

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