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"I don't know...
Mother only wears scarves sometimes
and Father doesn't have a beard
and we don't pray."

I take a deep breath,

"I remember Mother explaining once
that Auntie Eevie was Muslim,
that's why she always has to
go pray when she comes over...



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I was reading something recently about how to clear your mind and better your personality. One of the things that were mentioned was refusing to victimize yourself for the bad things you experienced / sharing them.

The reason this stood out to me is because I realized that, throughout the past few years, I've had a whole lot of pain and spite build up in my heart towards people. And, as hard as it is to admit, I'm guilty of throwing myself frequent pity parties.

It has made me an angry, ungrateful person and I feel like I've let it push me down.

Yes, it's not easy to just...forgive that easily. A huge part of me is vindictive, I want to hurt them just as bad. But really, who does that make me as a person? And what does all that obsessive negativity do to me? 

Letting go might take a while, but I think I've had enough with holding on so desperately. I want to live my life, free of the ghosts of the past.  

I'm hoping to finish SaM by the end of this year (I've given myself till early September) and when I do, I pray that I can let go of this huge load I've been lugging around for so long. 

In all honesty, I don't think that SaM will be the last book in the series. I've been brainstorming all the paths that Harmony's story can go down and it'd be cutting it short if I stopped after only two books. So! There might be a possible third book in the distance!

- Maoiel

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