clear their names

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Miss Ingrid suggests a plan.

She calls our parents to
explain the situation

and after a while,
a dozen or so people
are crowded around her office desk.

Mei, her parents,
me, Mother and
all of our teachers.

Miss Ingrid asks everyone to
follow her out into the classrooms

and explains everything on the way,

"Due to some allegations 
against Harmony and Mei,

I've called you all as witnesses.

We'll be having a test
to determine if the
accusations are true."

Mother holds on to my hand
and leans down,

"Harmony, is this true?
Have you been cheating?"

"No ann'e! Of course not."

"I believe you, sweetheart."

She doesn't get to say much more
because Miss Ingrid stops outside the 
maths classroom.

"Please come in."

Soleil And Moonlight - Book 2  |  ✔Where stories live. Discover now