safety in numbers

73 14 2

Mei, Suki and I had an idea.
We'd planned it out 
a few days after...
that incident.

When the morning of
Zaina's first day 

I flipped open my phone
and sent a quick text to Mei-

[ from: Mei ]  hey, Z is coming to school today
r we still doing the thing we planned?

and rolled out of bed,
stepping out into the icy corridor.

Aunt Eevie walked out of her room
at exactly the same time,

"Harmony, I was just about to wake you two up.
Use the bathroom and come downstairs for breakfast."

She ruffled my hair
then took the stairs
down to the kitchen.

My phone buzzed in my pocket,

[ from: Mei ★]
yes, we r!!! can't wait!


hello! sorry for being M.I.A for a while, I needed to take a step back from wattpad and focus on revising for my exams. but i'm back now and ready to start posting more regularly.

This chapter is dedicated to Satsuki, thank you for supporting my work!

Also, my heart goes out to anyone who's affected by what happened in Manchester. I'm truly sorry if you lost someone special or if you / someone who know was hurt. I wish I could do something to help :'(

To everyone else, please be safe.

- Maoiel

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