rationed bravery

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"No, not really..."

I hear myself saying.

Aunt Eevie doesn't call me out for lying,
she doesn't yell at me for keeping things,

what she does is smile.

She smiles sadly and softly,
pulls me into a hug and buries her nose in my hair.
A weary sigh escapes her lips and tickles my ears,

"We'll figure this all out, alright?

This will all be over soon,
I promise."

a.n. Hello guys! I really hope you've all been well lately :)

I've been a tad bit stressed because I have exams in about 6 weeks so i'm revising like a madwoman. Just a heads up, I cannot promise regular updates until after these 6 weeks and perhaps even during June/July :O BUT I will do my best to write well and often, so please bear with me through this!

In other news, I will start writing a new YA romance novel on the 21ST OF JUNE 2017 called 'Rechercé'. You can check it out on my profile to see if it's your cup of tea! It's my first long novel in a while, so feel free to correct me if you notice any mistakes! (respectfully, though. rudeness/hate will not be tolerated)

Here's the cover -

And here is the blurb -

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And here is the blurb -

 [ Rechercé - rare, exotic, or obscure ]

Shufen Yin is ready to take over her uncle's position as Director of The Southern Faction in Feicoast, the capital of Castanara. While she realizes the responsibilities that come with such power, the ghost of her past does not.

After staging a coup on their family's corrupt organization, Andrei and Illarion Serafim - along with the fifty odd men that joined their rebellion - are seeking asylum in the country of Castanara.

Will Shufen try to handle the pressure of her new position, along with the drama that comes with it, alone?

Or will she learn that reaching out for help doesn't immediately make you weak?

Aaaah, I'm really excited for it! I can't wait to share it on here :) BUT, I've promised myself that I'll only share it once my exams are over so that's the reason I'm planning to leave publishing the first chapter until mid-June. So stay tuned!

Take care everyone~

- Maoiel

Soleil And Moonlight - Book 2  |  ✔Where stories live. Discover now