Chapter 1: Prince Otabek

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This story is based around the story of the little mermaid by Disney but I don't own the storyline. Thank you for choosing my book I hope you like it!


North Atlantic Ocean
The tide
The wind
The sky
The tinted orange and yellow painting the horizon, clashing with the royal blue ocean
Otabek loved it all.
He loved the feeling of mist spraying up from the ocean
The calm splashes of water against his beautiful vessel
If only he lived on the boat forever.
But Otabek wasn't traveling for the fun of it, he's sailing to the kingdom of Saint Petersburg. First he went on a business trip to London and then on the way he started his trip to Saint Petersburg. His family hoping for him to get married to Princess Mila, in hopes of saving his kingdom from bankruptcy.
But his plans were different.
He fell in love with the ocean
And the ocean only.
The feeling of being free
Free to choose your destiny
The thought of that made Otabek shiver at the touch of the wind.
As the sun finally set on his vessel
He decided to go below deck to write about his journey.

"Dear loving mother." He said aloud as he dipped his feather pen into the ink and began his letter.

"The trip from Kazakhstan has been smooth, I'm not worried about any storms." He wrote, again saying it out loud."

"My crew expects us to be there by sunset tomorrow, then the marriage, will be set." He said that last part with sorrow. He's never met this women, and doesn't plan on loving her.

"I hope this marriage will fix our financial and military problems." He wrote, folding up the paper and sticking it next to the other letters. He plans to send these out once he meets with the people of Saint Petersburg .

As he he gets up form his chair, he gets tossed over by a sudden shift in the boats momentum. He hits his head on a near by shelf and almost passes out from impact. He wobbly runs up the stairs to the upper deck to find thundering waves and a frantic crew trying their best to hold up.

"Prince Otabek!" One of his crew mates yelled as he was washed out by the waves. Otabek tried his best to keep the boat in check, but she was giving out.

"Come on Agape just a bit longer!" He yelled as he pulled on the ropes to drop the sails. But what Otabek didn't know, was that a wondering merman, was watching from a distance.


"Yuri! Yuri! You better not get any closer! You'll be mermeat for sure!" Yuri's friend Victor yelled. Yuri popped his head up from out of the water, staring excitedly at the vessel being tossed around. Yuri thought of victor as a father figure, him and his fiancé Yurri katsuki. But he could never tell the mermen that. That would be horrible.

"Victor you know he won't listen! You'll have to drag him under the waves by the tail yourself!" Yurri yelled from a safe distance under the water. Yurri cares for Yuri very much, but he would rather stay safely under the waves and have victor be the demanding father.

"You guys aren't my fathers! I'm taking a closer look and you can try to stop me but I don't care!" Yuri yelled and dived under to get speed, flapping his tail to briskly get to the boat.

"Yuri!" The fiancées yelled at him in unison. But he didn't care, he kept swimming for the wood carved boat tossing and turning in the far distance. As he approached the vessel, he heard the screams and shouts of the sailors. He was intrigued, but also scared. We're these humans going to hurt him? We're they hurt? As he asked him self these questions, the boat was getting flooded with water.

"Otabek!" Yuri's ears perked at the words.

"O-Otabek?" He said slowly. What a lovely name. As he was in his own thoughts, a human fell over board. A teenage looking, or at least that's what Yuri thought when he saw the buff yet small figure fall.

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