Chapter 15: Misunderstandings

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Saint Petersburg Castle
Third person P.O.V
Chris, Otabek, and Yuri sat on one side of the dinning table while Mila, Yakov, and Georgi sat on the other. It was like an awkward staring contest and really, no one was winning.

"Otabek, what is your say in this matter." Yakov asked calmly, Mila just pouted in her seat.

"I was forced into this marriage by my parents to be able to get help financially and military wise. After my ship crashed, I was saved by Yuri. I fell in love with him. What I didn't know is that he was a merman-" Yakov gasped, Mila snarled.

"He was taken by a sea witch." Otabek continued, ignoring the awful actions of the Russians. "I helped save him and in return, he saved me from death. I owe everything to this man." He said, holding Yuri's hand under the table. Yuri smiled, still feeling a pain in his chest.

"That being said." Yakov coughed. "We can only help you a small portion military wise, but other than that, your at a loss for money." Yakov said, standing and making his leave. Mila sat, angry but understanding. She was in love once, and maybe she was just jealous that they could be in love, but her and her love can't.

"Mila I-" Yuri stopped, trying to find the correct words.

"Yuri, I may not trust the underwater world that much, but right now, your okay." She said, getting up and taking her leave as well.

"News will travel fast. That a land prince is dating a merman." Georgi said, standing up.

"The Royals plan on having a big council meeting in Barcelona. You guys should start traveling there tomorrow morning." Georgi stated right before entering the kitchen, leaving the couple and Chris alone in the dining hall. Otabek looked over at Yuri once more. Yuri smiled, trying to seem like he was okay.

'Would the council not let us be together? Would we have to split up? What if this caused another war?' Yuri thought.

"We will make this work, for now, lets get some food and rest." Otabek stated. They were up all night with the JJ problem and probably needed some sleep. Right as Otabek said that, Yuri's exhaustion finally hit him. He started to close his eyes, letting sleep consume him when he jolted back awake.

"Maybe, we should, skip lunch." Yuri struggled starting to stand up. He walked towards the door, wobbling every once in a while. Then he started to fall. Otabek ran over and grabbed him, letting the blonde fall into his arms sleepily.

"I think that's a good idea." Otabek smiled, holding him bridal style. They walked out the door, heading to the guest bedroom.

"You think their relationship is going to last." Georgi asked, coming out of the kitchen with a plate of crackers and a water. Chris kindly accepts, Georgi taking a seat next to him.

"They went to hell and back. I think they'll stay with each other, unless the council really pulls them apart." Chris stated, taking a cracker and eating it in one bite.

"I sent a letter to the Italian siblings hoping for them to help us out in the debate. But the only connections we have right now is them. We have no connections to America, China, Korea, or Japan." Georgi stated, leaving the crackers and walking over to the door leading to the main hall.

"I hope they help us out in the end." Chris stated, holding up his glass of water. "Good to see ya old friend." Chris said, taking a sip of he water.

"You too Chris."


Otabek laid Yuri on the left side of the queen bed, opening the covers and tucking him in. Otabek was about to walk out the door, when Yuri grabbed his wrist.

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