Chapter 3: Under the sea

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The next morning
Yuri's P.O.V
I woke up in my room, laying on my sea weed bed. I've been trying to get Otabek out of my head, but it never seems to work. Victor tried getting my mind off of it. He took me to the kelp forest and even gave him some sea buns. But it wasn't enough. Even Yurri tried! We went out to the Arctic Ocean to play on the glaciers and even that wouldn't get Otabek out of my head. What am I going to do.

"Yuri!" Victor called my name, I lazily floated off my bed and swam towards the sea weed curtain separating my room and the living room.

"What?" I said in the angriest way possible. I love victor, but I don't wanna talk right now.

"Yurri's making sea buns, come on." He said and grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull away, but he still managed to get me into the dining room.

"Yuri! Come, we have a guest!" Yurri called out as he set a plate down on the table. I looked up to see Phichit sitting in one of the chairs. Yurri and Phichit have been friends ever sense Yurri started glacier dancing. They haven't talked in a while because Phichit has been in the Indian Ocean for quite some time.

"Hello Yurio!" Phichit said, using the nickname Victor and Yurri gave me when they first took me out to the glaciers.

"Don't call me that." I said sternly as I took a seat.

"Angrier than ever I see." Phichit giggled.

"We are having the lovey dovey rebellious stage right now." Yurri giggled as he sat down.

"No I'm not!" I yelled, why am I so angry?

"Yuri don't yell at the table, especially with guests." Victor said as he took a seat.

"I'm going for a swim." I stated, swimming up and out of the cave.

"Yuri-" Yurri started to yell, but it was cut off by the closing of the rock door. I don't want to upset my friends any longer. I'll swim out to the South Pacific Ocean. Maybe Leo could help me out. I'm not very close to Leo, but whenever I swam out to far and got stuck, Leo would always help me. But again, I couldn't get Otabek out of my head.
His hair
His eyes
His muscular body
His soft
Pink lips-
Woah! I'm getting out of hand. I just met this human.
I forgot.
How in the hell am I supposed to date a human!
"This is hopeless!" I yelled as loud as I can, not thinking about attracting attention. I cold rush of water brushed past my shoulder. I don't recognize this current. Or this temperature of water.
Where am I?
I know I'm a fast swimmer
But where did I swim off to in such a short amount of time?

"Lost?" An purple eel asked, swimming around me from the bottom of my tail to reach my face.

"No, I was just swimming towards the South Pacific Ocean." I said trying to get away from the slippery eel.

"Well you've pasted it already, do you know where you are?" A blue eel asked, swimming in front of me and stopping me in my tracks.

"I, I don't know where I am." I stated, I don't want help from these losers, but I don't have any idea where I am.

"Are you lost? Or are you looking for something you have lost?" The purple eels asked.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said trying to swim away. How does he know I lost something.

"Perhaps a someone?" The blue one asked. I stopped, so they know about Otabek? But how?

"We can help!" They said in unison, locking their tails together.

"How can you possibly help me." I asked, intrigued but scared.

"We know a guy." They said grabbing me wrists with their tails and dragging my through the ocean.

"Wait-" I tried to say but the shushed me.

"You can't stop us now." They said, again in unison. Well I will admit I'm interested. But I don't want to get taken away from Victor or Yurri. I hope where I'm going doesn't screw me over.

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