Chapter 2: Merman Yurio

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North Atlantic Ocean
Yuri gazed at the man floating in water, slowly sinking farther and farther away.
What should he do?
Help him?
But what if he attacks him?
He looks like he's unconscious.
This is my chance.
Yuri dives under, reaching his long, elegant fingers out to the handsome and unconscious prince.
Yuri grasped his hand, feeling the rough yet, warm feeling of his palm.
As he tried to pull him up, he realizes he is heavier than he expected.
As Yuri is pulling him up, he feels a presence in the water around him.
Victor and Yurri swim up to him and help pull the unconscious prince to the surface.
As the Agape starts to sink, beneath the depths of the ocean, the three merman pull him to the closest place they can think.
Saint Petersburg.


"What a swim." Victor states as he lays on the rocks closest to the shore with Yurri. Otabek, asleep on his back, laying on the sand with his feet in the water. Yuri lays next to him, his fins getting splashed by the water as he places a hand on his chest.

"Well he's breathing." Yurri states and he flips over on the rock, laying on his back and propping himself on his elbows.

"Well Yuri's not breathing." Victor smirked and Yurri jumped.

"Is he okay?" Yurri states looking over at the two laying on the sand. He quickly relaxes and starts to smile.

"He's in love" The fiancées say in unison.

They were right
Yuri lays there, staring the man straight in the face.
His perfect jawline and his perfect raven hair.
His lean yet muscular body.
His slow and steady breaths.
Yuri was taking it all in, because he knew he would never see it again after Otabek awoken.

"Otabek...." Yuri says aloud.

The man stirs and starts to clench his eyes even more together. Yuri lifts his hand of his chest and trying to wiggle back into the water before the man can awaken but he's to late.

Otabek grabs his wrist and flips himself on top of Yuri.

Victor and Yurri start to try to make an effort to get over to the teen to pull him back in the water, but when Otabek collapsed on Yuri in exhaustion, the pair stops in their tracks.

"You two help me!! He's to heavy for me to lift him!" Yuri yells in anger as his face starts to get redder with every second.

"Come on Yuri, don't wake up the poor man." Victor giggles and Yurri glares at him.

"Come on Victor lets help him." Yurri tries to swim over to the two teens but Victor stops him.

Yuri starts to wiggle under Otabek and Otabek starts to groan.

'What am I supposed to do?' Yuri thinks.

He grabs Otabeks shoulders and tries to lift him but he just ends up becoming tired.

"Guys I can't do anything! He's to muscular- I mean heavy! Help me!" He yells, not thinking about Otabek awakening. The pair of merman start to swim towards the teens when Otabek starts to wake up.

"Shit!" Yuri yells.

"Language please!" Yurri states as him and Victor hide behind a rock to let this play out.

"Uh, my head" Otabek says as he pushes himself on his hands and knees. He lets his eyes adjust realizing there's a teen boy under him.

'His eyes, they are the most gorgeous blue I've ever seen.
No not blue, teal.
His hair is a long blonde, you could mistake him for a girl if you weren't careful.
His ears were an odd shape and they were kinda teal at the tips but he ignored it thinking it was because of his head ache.
His chest was bare
His skin tone pale and his skin was as smooth as a dolphin.
This boy was gorgeous
And he was sprawled out underneath him
His cheeks a color of red.'

"I'm sorry, I'm really confused, the last thing I remember was me falling in the water. How did I get here?" Otabek asked looking around. To Yuri's surprise, he didn't seem to notice the beautiful yet obvious tail.

"Y-you fell O-over board of your s-s-ship and me-e and some friends s-s-saved you." Yuri stuttered.

"You, saved me? How in the heck did you do that? Your a small-" Otabek looked down to see the beautiful glittery teal tail under his legs. Otabek was in shock. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Y-your.." Otabek couldn't even finish his sentence.

'No wonder this boy was so gorgeous'

"Um I-" Yuri stopped talking. What was he supposed to say?

"Well that explains a lot." His face turned back to a calm and stern expression.

'How, is he so calm?'

"Well-" The water of a wave splashed over the two, reminding Otabek that they were close to the water.

"Are you okay? Are you to dry?" Otabek asked, merman weren't supposed to stay on the shore for to long. But Yuri was confused by the show of kindness.

Aren't humans supposed to hunt merman?

"Look there! There's people on the beach!" A man called front up on the shore a little further away.

"You need to leave!" Otabek stated as fast as he could and tried to push the merman in the water, Yuri wasn't having it.

"Wait, I-" Otabek grabbed the young boys face and kissed his lips. It was brief, but enough for Yuri to know that they would meet again. Some how.

Yuri slid into the water, behind the rocks that Victor and Yurri have been hiding behind this whole time. As he slid behind the rock, he was greeted by the smirking pair of men, no boys.

"You guys are so immature!" Yuri yelled as he face began to turn red.

"Shh! Listen!" Victor says as they peer around the rock.

"Prince Otabek? What are you doing here? Where's your ship?" King Yakov of Saint Petersburg asked.

"My crew was washed out by the waves. The Agape is gone." Otabek sighed,  just realizing that he will never see his precious ship or crew again.

"Then how did you get here?" Yakov asked helping the young prince up and walking him towards the kingdom.

"Someone saved me." Otabek said, looking out to the ocean. He will never forget the merman, and he will meet him again.

Where the tides meet the ocean
Their love will reconnect
Like the horizon
And the sea
We will meet once again.

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