Chapter 16: The stay of a life time

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Barcelona, Spain
Third person P.O.V
After a long carriage ride to Barcelona Spain, Yuri was fast asleep on Otabek's lap. The driver got out and helped opened the door for Otabek and the sleeping Yuri. Otabek thanked the driver and carried Yuri bridal style into the local Inn they were staying at for the time being. Otabek was nervous about this whole thing. What if for some reason the kingdoms decide not to trust Yuri just because he's a merman? What if they decide to send him back home and never let him come back. Otabek looked at the heart shaped necklace wrapped around Yuri's neck. It swayed as Otabek walked into the building. This was the only thing keeping them together on land and Otabek wasn't about to lose Yuri after everything that's happened. Otabek took his key to the room from the front desk and carefully walked up two flights of stairs and down the hall to find their suite. He fumbled with the keys, until he could finally get it into the lock and he carefully kicked the door open with his foot. It had one queen sized beds, a small kitchen looking area and a bathroom. It's small, but they'll manage. I guess living on land and using magic to keep his legs is taking some energy out of Yuri because he seems to fall asleep more often. Otabek laid Yuri on the left side of the bed, tucking the covers around him to keep him warm. He quickly changed into a blue pair of silk pants and kept his shirt off. He slid in next to Yuri. His peaceful form sleeping. Otabek smiled at the young man. How did he get so lucky? The man he fell in love with is laying right next to him and he loved him back. Yuri was safe and happy as well. And he can visit his family under the sea anytime he wants. As Otabek thought of all the amazing things he wants to show Yuri, he fell asleep thinking about their time together.


The next morning, Yuri woke up first. He felt a strange warmth on his back and on the top of his head. He tried to move, but someone was holding him tight. He tried to remember what happened the night before. Then it dawned on him.

'Today's the day they decide if I'm allowed to live on land or not.' Yuri thought.

Otabek's arms are latched around the small Russian, keeping him in bed. He pulled himself out of Otabek's grasp, the raven haired male not even stirring. Yuri walked over to the dresser and changed out of his pajamas into a short light blue sundress with his hair half up half down.

'How did the kingdoms even know that he was here? Mila and Yakov didn't figure out until-'

Yuri thought. Then he remembered something important

"Yuri your deal is up, you are now mine" JJ said. My legs transformed into a gorgeous long teal tail. Flowing gracefully in the evening wind. My eyes changing back to the teal color as well.

'I never realized I changed back into a mermaid right in front of them! Shit!' Yuri cursed at himself.

Yuri ran a hand across his face. He just now realized Yakov and Mila must have told the kingdoms that night. But can news really travel that fast? Maybe they have a way of telling each other information without sending letters. Magic? Who knows. As Yuri contemplated this, he felt a pair of warm arms around his waist. Otabek was half awake, standing behind the Russian and holding him against his back.

"Morning Yura." Otabek said, yawning and nestling his chin on top of Yuri's head, breathing in the smell of the ocean from his hair.

"Morning Beka." Yuri teased, trying to shove Otabek off of him. Otabek just stayed wrapped around Yuri. Yuri was to small to even put a dent in Otabek, so he gave up and just let Otabek stay there.

"Come back to bed with me." Otabek said sleepily, pulling the boy back onto the bed, Yuri laying on top of Otabek with his back on his chest.

"No Beka we have to get ready!" Yuri yelled trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but even asleep, Otabek was stronger. Yuri wiggled around, now laying on his stomach on top of  Otabek. Yuri's head resting on Otabek's chest.

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