17. His Name's Credence.

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Tina led the group down a grimy back alley covered in bins, creates, and discarded objects. The brunette looked around for a set of steps leading to what seemed to be a basement apartment and motioned the rest of them down.

When the steps seemed to lead to nowhere Myra couldn't help but ask where they were, "Where exactly are we going, Miss Goldstein?"

"The Blind Pig," the witch replied, "It's a pub that Gnarlak owns."

"Alright," Myra tried to shake off her uneasy feeling, "Is there a dress code?"

"Kind of."

Tina and Queenie raised their wands in unison and waved them over themselves, changing their work clothes into flapper party dresses. Myra blinked in surprise and hesitantly did the same. The blonde looked up at her Echo, a light blush on her face. The blonde quickly turned to look away from where Newt was staring at her and went to slip both her wand and the Hawthorn wand into her boot, only to realize that when she had changed outfits, she was no longer wearing her boots and instead a pair of heels were strapped around her feet.

Myra turned back to face her Echo, a slightly darker blush on her face, "Would you..." the witch trailed off, holding out the two wands to the brunette.

"Sure," Newt rubbed the back of his neck in what Myra assumed was nervousness before taking a hold of the wands and slipping them into his coat pocket.

When the wandmaker was turning back to face the wall, she caught he cheeky smile that Queenie had aimed at Jacob. Tina, however, had stepped toward the posted and slowly raised her hand. As she did, the eyes of the debutante moved upward, following her every move. The blonde watched as she knocked four times. A hatch opened and the painted eyes of the debutante whipped back to reveal the gaze of a suspicious guard.

The five of them entered into the bar after the guard scrutinized them for a few moments. Myra's eyes shifted around nervously, almost every witch and wizard criminal in New York was in the pub, their wanted posters hanging proudly on the walls. Myra maneuvered herself so that she was standing between Newt and Queenie, not being very comfortable in the dress she was wearing, and especially not while surrounded by criminals. When Jacob and Queenie split off to go over to the bar, the blonde opted to stay next to her Echo rather than get something to drink.

The three of them sat down at a table, all of them silent until Tina commented that she'd arrested half of the people in the pub. This seemed to get the wheels turning on the conversation because Newt was the next to speak.

"You can tell me to mind my own business..." the wizard trailed off for a moment, "but I saw something in that death potion back there."

Death potion? Myra's eyes widened in shock.

"-I saw you- hugging- that Second Salem boy."

"His name's Credence. His mother beats him."

Myra let out a growl that would usually only came out of her mouth when she was in her animagus form, "She beats him? He's just a kid!"

Tina turned toward her slightly, "She beats all those kids she adopted, but she seems to hate him the most."

"And she was the no-maj you attacked?" Newt's face clearly portrayed the fact that he'd just realized that.

"That's how I lost my job." Tina told them, "I went for her in front of a meeting of her crazy followers- they all had to be Obliviated. It was a big scandal."

Myra scoffed, "You helped a child. If anything they should have promoted you."

Queenie signaled at them from across the room, stopping the conversation from continuing, "It's him," she whispered.

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