First Letter to Emma

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Dear Emma,

Its been so long since I've seen your beautiful face. Nearly 2 and a half year now. You'd be proud of Mathew, he's come so far from when he was 2 years old. He helps me out a lot and understands why we have to be quiet. I wish you where here with us but I know that your some where else helping others survive this hellish world. I still can't believe that this has all happened. It seem like just yesterday we were laying next to each other watching Mathew sleep. It seems as though time has moved so slowly since that day. I feel so worn down but I can never let my guard down with all the living dead running around. We are just a weeks walk away from our destination and we won't stop till night falls. We will continue our search for you when we reach our destination. A few people have joined up with us now. They seem to like the idea of sticking together in this time of despair.

There is a man named Joe who at first seemed like a good man but couple nights ago I found him trying to steal from some of the others with us. I caught him and gave him some food. Last night he tried to rape a young girl that's been traveling with us. Her mother caught him and he went after her too. I manage to get to her in time before he did any real damage to them. I tied him to the back of our wagon and have left him there till I decide what to do with him. He's a real good shot and can take any of the living dead with nothing but his bear hands. I don't think I can keep him with us if he continues to act as he is. What would you do if someone was this much of an asset to the group but was doing such horrible things?

I know what you would do and I know what I should do but I can't do it. He's not one of the living dead and he can help us in the future if we get into a tight situation. I'm thinking about just leaving him behind all tied up and let him know what it feels like. Or I could let big Harry take care of him. He offered a couple of time and I told him I'd think about it. See big Harry is this big black guy who happened to be homosexual and really likes him which I can't ever figure out why. I think I'll tell big Harry to go for it maybe he'll learn not to try and rape someone like that again.

Well I have to go now Mathew is asking for me, he can't sleep with out me.

I love you

Sincerely yours


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