Letter Four

15 1 0

Dear Emma

Today was better then the last. we found an abandon warehouse, that has only been lightly raided and have taken up residents here for a time. I don't think we will be here more then a week.my group is finding it harder and harder to go on as the days go by. I've tried encouraging them but to no avail. Its getting worse out here Emma, I don't know if I can even go on.

I need to touch you and feel you here next to me. The only thing keeping me together and going is Matthew. I'm beginning to have doubts if your even alive out there. Some days I want to lay down and never wake up. But then I see Matthew smiling and playing despite every thing we've been through. It gives me hope, no not just me everyone is hopeful now. It's something none of us have had in a long time.

Matthew has started calling Renee, mom now and I've told him otherwise but she is the closes thing he's had to one in over two years. I pray you understand and I know you will. You've always been an understanding person. God I miss you. I"ll have to end it here I don't want to ruin this Page with this tears that won't stop falling.

Please be out their.


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