Sixth letter

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Dear Emma

We are only six days away now. Matthew is looking forward to seeing you but he doesn't remember what you look like. Luckily I have our family photo with me. He has been carrying it around with him for the past week and has been talking about you none stop. He has been having bad dreams about you being killed by a monster and he is unable to save you no matter how hard he tries. those night he wakes up crying for you and I am unable to calm him down. And when Renee tried to calm him, he yells at her saying she is not his mama and to stop trying to be.

Renee doesn't know how to take it as far as she is concerned you are dead And never coming back. she told Matthew this and I smacked her a crossed the face for it. Telling her she stepped out of line but that only starts a fight between us. she tells me you are a horrible mother for not being here for Matthew and a weak human bean. which I know, isn't true. the day this all happened you had gone to the store and I stayed home with him so we could have some time together. Which I didn't get to do that often back then because of my job. The undead had already taken over the town when you had reached the small general store 45 minutes away since we lived in the country in your mother and father's old farm House. I remember you calling me telling me that I needed to turn on the news and that things where so bad you couldn't make it back to me. You said you would meet us at the Walmart in Roswell New Mexico and you would try to make it there. I remember how you tried to be calm over the phone but I knew you where scared out of your mine. Though you would never let that fear take control of you and would be there waiting for me as long as you could. I know you will be there when we finally reach Roswell waiting for us.

I love you Emma

your Aiden

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