Seven Ways To Sunday (15,16)

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Chapter 15

I woke up and I could hear the shower going. This was my chance. I had a lot of things to do today. I needed to save my house and tell the girls that we had to save our house. I got up and gathered my clothes. Then put on my clean clothes and packed the ones from last night. I had to move fast. I slipped on my shoes and left the room closing the door as quietly as I could behind me. I stood there waiting for the elevator then I turned to see Harvey walking toward me.

"Good morning, Eve," he said stopping to wait for the elevator with me. "Another late night?"

"Morning Harvey, and no," I said as the elevator door opened in front of us both. We stepped on and he hit the button for the lobby.

"You do know you are better than that right?"

"Harvey you don't know me so don't assume I'm better or worse than anything," I said as the elevator came to the lobby. I left him there and headed out to my car. The drive home wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact last night was pretty easy. I mean so he paid me to stay. I made more last night than I would have made in one month doing album art. As soon as I got home I took a shower then I found the girls.

"Where were you last night?" Tamsen asked.

"I was sleep; I'm too old to go out every night like you and Arlie," I said she just laughed. I mean a four-year difference was pretty big compared to a lot of siblings.

"Whatever, you need to get out more," Arlie said. I rolled my eyes. I doubt getting out more would help anything.

"So I have to talk to you guys," I said sitting down at the kitchen table. "Mom and dad are putting our house on the market today. We need to find a way to pay for it or we are going to lose it."

"Daddy is selling our house?"


"That bastard," Arlie said.

"We are paying the mortgage on time every month. How can they do that?"

"It's all in his name. I'm going to see if someone will give us a loan for the house. Then it would be in our name and we would be paying for it for ourselves," I explained. "I need to know how much you guys have saved up."

"I've go about two thousand," Tamsen said.

"I've got three, but I can get another two from my parents," I smiled thinking of how nice her parents always were to Tamsen and me.

"Okay and I have nine and a half," I said.

"How did you get that?" Tamsen asked. "You haven't been saving that much."

"I have too," I said not wanting to explain that for the past two nights I've been a hooker. "Anyway that leaves us with $16, 500,"

"You also need to get that album done for the boys," Arlie said. "Harvey said Ben's really curious as to what you are going to do."

"Yeah I'm going to work on that tonight."

"No, there's this new club opening tonight and you are coming with us...and bringing Harvey along too," she said looking away from me.

"You like him?"

"A little," she said blushing.

"I make no promises."

Chapter 16

I walked out of the last bank. This made number five. I had loads of paper work to fill out. It all seemed so hopeless. I got into my car and headed home thankful that the guys hadn't called me today. I walked into the house and everyone was sitting in the living room. I went over and plopped down on Bryce's lap.

"How did it go?" he asked.

"I have a lot of paper work to do," I said. He kissed the top of my head.

"Hey guys," Ram said coming into the front door with Ryan his younger brother.

"Hey Ram," Tamsen said getting up and walking over to him.

"Why does everyone look so sad?" Tamsen went on to explain everything to the two of them. "Wow Babe you father is a douche,"

"Tell us something we don't know," I said. Then I heard the noise I had been dreading all day. My cell phone rang. I looked at the number and it was Harvey. "Hello?"

"Yeah so what are we doing tonight?" he asked.

"I'm going to sleep. How about you guys?"

"Come on..."

"I'll tell you what talk to Arlie and Tamsen, they are going out tonight," I didn't wait for his answer. I just handed the phone to Arlie and tuned out the conversation. "Bryce you wanna have a movie night?"

"Are you going to cancel on me again if that phone rings?"

"I'm not going to be answering my phone from now on," I said knowing that Ben would probably get me fired if I didn't answer my phone for the rest of the evening.

"How about the Resident Evil trilogy?"

"Perfect you know I love those movies."

"Evie you're going to have to write a rain check on Bryce for tonight," Arlie said hanging up the phone.

"No I'm not,"

"Yes you are, Ben wants to see some new samples tonight or he's calling Mr. Howard..."

"Who the hell does this guy think he is? Evie's not someone that can be bought." Bryce burst I winced at his words. He didn't know about last night only the night before when I didn't know what I was doing. What would he think if he knew? "Call him back and tell him he can take his album and the cover and shove it. Evie's not coming out tonight or any other night. Tell him she'll show him the samples first thing tomorrow or..."

"We'll lose the house if you don't have a job you can't get a loan," Tamsen reasoned. I couldn't tell them about the last two nights. I looked at Bryce who was obviously trying to think of a plan to help me not to have to go.

"Tell him that I don't have anything new ready," I said. I watched as she reluctantly redialed Harvey's number.

"They aren't answering the phone," Arlie said with the phone up to her ear.

"Fine, Bryce I'm sorry..."

"I understand," I kissed his cheek. He really was the best friend on the planet. I got off his lap and went upstairs to change my clothes. This wasn't going to be fun.

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