Seven Ways To Sunday (25,26,27,28)

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Chapter 25

"I'm not going to cry," I sat behind my desk with my head in my hands. I kept chanting it over and over in my head. If I lost this job the money that Ben gave me wouldn't help because I wouldn't have a steady income. I couldn't prove I could pay off the rest of the loan. Finally my office door opened and Mr. Howard stepped in.

"I'll see you in the morning," I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"Thank you Mr. Howard. I'll be in on time tomorrow I promise," Ben didn't have that control over me anymore. I had the album cover done, now just to make it through these 9 days. I took out my cell phone and set an alarm for the next morning. I looked at the clock, I didn't have a set time that I had to stay here for, but they had meetings every morning at 9:30 and that was why I needed to be on time. You'd think that would be easy, but I'm the furthest thing from a morning person you can get, add in the late night's I was keeping lately and I was doomed.

"Well, tomorrow is Saturday so you will have a fresh start on Monday. Eve, don't make me regret this."

"You won't regret this I promise," I wanted to kiss him.

Chapter 26

I pulled up to my house and got out just as they were putting the for sale sign in the front yard. I decided to keep walking and deal with that Monday. I mean there's no way anyone would be able to by my house that quickly and I'm sure I could offer more with my down payment. I went into the house.

"Bryce!" I called out his name and it dawned on me that he wasn't there. I went up to his old room and looked at the empty space. He must have gotten all of his things today. I leaned against the door. I wondered what I was going to do without Bryce here. Usually when he was here we would sit down and I would tell him about all of the crap I went through today. He would tell me that once he got famous he would hire me to help Ram with their album art and take me on tour with them. He always promised me this house. I wiped the tears from my face and then closed the door. I couldn't look at the empty space anymore.

I went into my room and quickly changed my clothes the only thing to do now was wait till Tamsen and Arlie came home. I lay down on my bed. My head landed on a piece of paper I have no clue why I didn't see it there. I unfolded it and started to read it.

[i]I know a girl she puts the color inside of my world

But she's just like a maze

When all of the walls all continually change

And I've done all I can

To stand on the steps with

My heart in my hand

Now I'm starting to see

Maybe it's got nothing to do with me.

John Mayer: Daughters

I don't know how to fix you, and I can't watch you break yourself down more. I'm not sure how you feel about me. I mean I know that I mean something, just not quite sure what. For the record I do love you and I don't think anything can change that. At least I'll always know where to find you.

Love always


I kissed the letter. I tried again to figure out if I was doing the right thing. I mean I had my house and like he said it meant he would always know where to find me. It was an investment for my future.

Chapter 27

"Evie, Eve wake up," Tamsen said in a chipper voice while shaking my shoulder.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked trying to wake up.

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