Chapter 22

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Jenipher POV:

Months passed, me and Grayson were happy together.

Today was Valentines Day so I didnt know if he was going to get me anything.
I walk to the kitchen and I saw Grayson. He was shirtless and I couldnt stop looking at him. Damn how did i get this lucky.
I sneaked to where he was and jumped on his back. Oh who could this be he said smiling. Hmmmmm a marshmallow I replied. He laughed and turned me around to kiss me. He then pushed me to the bed and started kissing my neck. I looked up at him and gave him a kiss. "So what are we doing today?" Its a surprise baby girl Grayson says. "Mysterious I like it".

Hours passed

Grayson blind folded me and we walked some where. I felt rose petals on the floor. And that until he stopped me. He took my blind fold off and I was surprised. We were on the roof and there was a dinner table with roses.

We ate and talked until Gray pulled something out his pocket. It was a box. He opened it and it was an engagement ring. He opened his mouth and said "Would u like to marry me Jenipher". I then screamed and said Fuck yes. I pulled him and kissed him passionately. He then took me to a blanket that was set on the floor and we made love. After that we layed staring at the stars.
That day He made me a nice dinner and we watched the stars of the night.

This chapter is from along time ago😂😂 i wanted to finish it. But guess what Im back on uploading 😜 I will update from now on so stay in tuned for more "Roommates-Grayson Dolan"🤷🏻‍♀️ Lmao i dont know why I said it like that.

Add me on sc: jenipher_03
Follow me on Insta: Jenny_5702

I will upload every Tuesday

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