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I don't even know why I'm writing this in the chapter, probably because I'm just a fucked up frozen fan >3< lololol I hope you enjoy it.

On Friday Jaehee got dressed up for the party. She didn't get too dolled up, just a short black dress and black heels. She knocked on the bathroom door. "Jumin, hun, are you ready?" She heard something fall down and Jumin swear under his breath. "Uh... y-yeah, almost..." Jaehee sighed. "I'm coming in." "Shit! Don't-!"

Jaehee pushed open the door and burst out laughing. "What the hell are you doing?!" She asked him. Jumin had two tampons stuck up his nose. He blushed and shoved her out. "I told you not to come in!" He growled. Jaehee was in tears laughing. "I was expecting you to have your shirt off or something, not this!" She said as Jumin closed the door. She tried the doorknob again. It was locked. She knocked. (Hey, that rhymes!)

"Jumin?" She asked. "No, you are not coming in. I think the damn thing is stuck in my nose." Jaehee giggled. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" "God damnit, Jaehee!" "Come on let's go and play!" Jumin groaned. Jaehee tried the doorknob again. "I never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away!" Jaehee sang, trying to pick the lock with her hairpin. The pin broke in the lock. "We used to be best buddies... and now we're not..." "no, 'cause now we're engaged." "I wish you would tell me wwhhhyyyyy!" "Jaehee, you're the one who agreed. You could have said no." "Do you wanna build a snowman?" "Ugh..." Jaehee put her lips to the door lock.

"It doesn't have to be a snowmaaaaann...." Jumin stuck a Q-Tip through the keyhole and put it in Jaehee's mouth. "Ah! Hey!" She said unhappily. Jumin chuckled, yet didn't open up the bathroom door. "I'm serious, the damn thing is stuck in my nose!" Jaehee giggled and knocked again.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" "Jaehee..." "Or ride our bike around the halls?" "I don't own a bike." "I think some company is overdue, I've started talking to the pictures on the walls!" Jaehee looked at one of the many pictures on Jumin's wall. "Hang in there, Elizabeth The Third!" Jaehee spun around in a circle, nearly tripping up on her own oxygen tubes. "It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms..." "cuddle Elizabeth, I'm trying to get this thing out of my nose..." "watching the hours tick by..." she clicked her toungue to a tick tock rhythm, causing Jumin to groan.

"I don't care about your stupid Disney movies!" Jumin yelled through the door. "Maybe I shouldn't have cut off the strings of these things..." Jaehee knocked again. "Come on, Jumin, let me help!" Jaehee pleaded. Jumin sighed and finally unlocked the door. Jaehee grabbed a pair of tweezers and helped him get the tampons out. Jumin breathed out in relief and chuckled. "Finally... I can breathe like a normal human being again..." he thought back on what he said and covered his mouth. Jaehee looked down to the ground. "Oh my god, Jaehee, I-I didn't mean it like that!" Jaehee shook her head.

"It's fine... I'll let it slide..." Jumin sighed with relief and regret. 'Jumin, you worthless piece of Mystic Trash, what the hell is wrong with you?!' He thought to himself. Jaehee pinned him to the wall. "That doesn't mean I'm letting go the fact that a professional and refined businessman like yourself had tampons stuck up your nose! I am so telling the rest of the RFA!" Jaehee giggled and raced to the door as fast as she could. "Oh, no you are not!" Jumin yelled, racing after her. Since Jaehee wasn't very fast, Jumin caught up with her and pinned her to the wall, kissing her.

Jaehee blushed as Jumin pulled away with a smirk plastered across his face. He chuckled and let go of her, grabbing his boots. "Let's go." "Okay, king of tampons."


The RFA was sat down at a large table at the party; Jumin, Jaehee and V on one side, Yoosung, Saeyoung, MC and Zen on the other. Jaehee retold the story of the tampons as Jumin hid his head in his hands. Yoosung chocked on his food while laughing, and even V had cracked a small smile. Jaehee took a sip of her wine. Jumin sighed. "You may have seen me with tampons up my nose, but my dick size literally took your breath away." V chocked on his wine. Jaehee smacked Jumin's arm. "Jumin!" She yelled angrily, blushing madly. "You guys had sex?!" Zen yelled. A number of people turned their heads to their table and Jaehee's blush deepened. "We're engaged, it's not like it's illegal." Jumin stated.

"Wait, you guys are getting married?!" MC asked, surprised. Jaehee gasped. "That's right! We never told them! Y-Yeah, we're engaged!" V shook his head, placing down his glass of wine. "That's a horrible idea." MC shot V a death glare behind her long bangs. "Rude!" She shouted. V shook his head. "I mean, no offense, but just think about it. If anything, you two should have broken up." V turned to Jaehee.

"I mean, seriously, the way you act is as if you don't want to hurt him, but if you're married and you die young, which you know you will, won't that just hurt him even more? You should have saved him the heartbreak and shut yourself away from us if you didn't want us to be upset, especially Jumin. If you had just stayed as his assistant, he could have just hired a new one and you wouldn't be causing him so much heartache. I mean, either way you will still be replaceable. Imagine how much pain he must be going through every day knowing he could just lose you at any given moment."

Jaehee looked down at her lap, letting what V told her sink in. Yoosung pounded his fist down on the table, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "Not everyone is as stuck up and selfish as you are, V! She's isn't going to lock herself away from us because she knows we love her, and she's letting us stay near her until the day she dies so that we can appreciate every damn second we have with her! And if you can't appreciate her for who she is and the decisions she's chosen, maybe you don't deserve to know her!"

V was dumbfounded as people began to clap for Yoosung, who just sank in his seat blushing embarrassedly. Saeyoung hugged into him. "Nice speech, YooYoo!" MC giggled. "YooYoo?" She questioned. V shrugged. "At the least I'll be known for my artwork and kind nature. The only thing that she will be known for is fighting cancer, which doesn't even make any sense because if I were her I'd just let the cancer get to me. Hasn't she already tried to kill herself once? I'd say this is her lucky break." Jumin stood up. "That's it!" He lunged for V, but Jaehee grabbed ahold of him and held him back.

"Whatever, V. Maybe you should take a closer look in the mirror to see that that 'kind nature' of yours doesn't exist. Oh, wait, you can't see the mirror, or anything else for that matter, can you?" Jaehee said as Jumin flailed like a child in her arms, attempting to attack V. Ooooooh!" Saeyoung said, smiling. "TRIGGERED V, TRIGGERED!" V shook his head. "You're not good at comebacks and I would tell you to save your breath, but it looks like that's not your strongpoint, either."

Jumin growled furiously. "Come on, Jaehee, we're going." He said, pulling Jaehee by the wrist out of the party. When they got outside, they walked over to the car where Driver Kim was waiting. "Jaehee, next time he says something like that, please just let me rip his balls off." Jaehee giggled. "As long as you don't stick them up your nose like tampons, go for it."

{A Few Weeks Later...}

Jaehee was sick. Really sick. She couldn't keep anything down, not even a simple glass of water. She didn't have the strength to get to the hospital, so Jumin tried everything he could to keep her okay at home. He was taking time off of work, now on his fourth day. The RFA was worried about her, calling Jumin just to see if Jaehee was feeling any better, which she wasn't. Jaehee would say she was too cold and bundle up in blankets, but when Jumin felt her forehead it was fiery hot. Her skin was deathly pale and her eyes were glossy. She looked like she was dead.

Jumin woke up three o' clock in the morning one night to find that Jaehee was not in bed with him, she was in the bathroom. He could hear her throwing up from his room. He bit his lip and walked over to the door, knocking lightly. "Jaehee?" He thought of saying the first thing that came into his head. "Please I know you're in there... people are asking where you've been... they say 'have courage' and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you... just let me in." Jumin couldn't remember the next line, so he just asked, "do you wanna build a snowman?" Jaehee opened the door, almost falling over, she was seriously too weak to stand. She didn't have her oxygen tank or anything and she appeared to be having trouble breathing. She collapsed to her knees on the floor.

"Jaehee!" Jumin yelled, helping her up into the bedroom and hooking her up to the BiPaP machine. "I'm sorry... I just... just was going to throw up and... and I didn't have time..." Jaehee said tiredly. Jumin brushed her hair from her eyes and kissed her forehead, which to no surprise was burning up hot. "Next time, wake me." Jumin said, shooting her a small smile. Jaehee gave a small nod before drifting off into unconsciousness.

I tried to make V a savage \(°O°)/ prooobably didn't work, lolololol. I hope you guys enjoyed!! ~TheWeeWeeaboo

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