I'm coming to see you...

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I begin throwing certain essentials into my gym bag like a backup pair of clothes, mint gum, headphones, etc.

"Vitya? Are you ok?" Yakov asks opening my door and looking at me rush around my room.

"Yep! Never been better!"

I felt as if a passion had been reignited in my heart as I rushed in and out of my closet.

"You look chipper this morning," Lilia says leaning out her bedroom window, her arms crossed and chin tilted upwards. "Or at least, more chipper than you have been in two years."

"I'm completely fine!" I say once I zip up my signature Red and White jacket. "Now let's go!"

I was doing all this with a certain Pork Cutlet Bowl in mind.

"Yuri, if you ever get this message, I love you!"


I run out the door with my suitcase and carry on bag in hand.

"Hey! You aren't leaving me behind are you?!"

Yurio ran behind me,  a suitcase in hand.

"You aren't leaving to see the Kastsudon without me are you?!"

He looked up at me.

"Don't count on it bastard!"

I smile at him before hugging him in the same manner I did 2 years ago at the 2016 Grand Prix Final.

He had already called an UBER and was looking at me.

"It's about damn time that we got to see the Katsudon." Yurio muttered in the UBER.

I knew that he missed Yuri, but now that he said it out loud he refuses to admit it no matter how much we pressure him into admitting it.

I laugh as the UBER pulls into the crowded airport parking lot.

Ever since that day 2 years ago, I changed airlines to Delta. They serve complimentary snacks on that plane and that is something that both Yurio and I can get down with.

"After this, the Katsudon better get back on the ice." Yurio growled. "I know he's still registered as an active skater, but he doesn't seem very-"

'Shall we Skate?!'

"Hey Phichit...Uh huh...Wait, Seriously? Send me the link on Twitter. Ok bye."

Yurio pockets his phone and pulls out his passport for the man at the check in counter.

"Phichit found a video of Yuri skating. And it seems like it was actually taken pretty recently." Yurio said smiling at me while waving his phone in my face. "He just sent it to me in my Twitter Dm's."

His phone vibrates and he clicks on the video as we walk to TSA security check. Because we didn't have and suitcases we just had our carry on to put through the belt, not to mention our jackets, coats, and technological items.

Once we get through the TSA, we get on the TRAM to get to our gate that was somewhere on the other side of the airport.

"Oh! This looks interesting!" Yurio said before looking at me and saying the title of the YouTube video that has already gotten 689K hits. I bet Phichit was the majority of those views. "Yuri Katsuki, Yuko and Nishigori Takeshi skate to Viktor Nikiforov's Senior debut short program!!"

My eyes widen in surprise as Yurio clicks on the video.

All three of them skate in almost perfect harmony with each other. They skate as if they planned this from the beginning and it's beautiful.

I was so enraptured by the beauty of their skating I didn't even notice I was crying before Yurio pointed it out.

"He still looks as beautiful as ever."

"Dude are you crying?!" Yurio asked, his voice slightly going up.

I watched as they all skated to the middle of the rink and stood back to back. They clenched their fists and pumped them up to the sky.

They started crying, probably because they haven't done something like this since they were children. I had heard from Yuko and Nishigori that they used to imitate me all the time as children.  

Now I get to see them do it as adults. It was quite heart warming and heart wrenching all the same.

Yurio patted my shoulder and looked off onto the window where he could see nearby planes pull in and pull out.

"I'm going to go get some food." Yurio muttered standing up once I finished having my  emotional moment. "What do you want Viktor?"

"Let's find a place that sells breakfast. I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday." I say smiling again.


Yurio is passed out next to me, his metal music blaring out in the plane. I don't understand how he can sleep like this.

"WELCOME TO THE MADNESS!!" He yelled suddenly, both his fists pumped up the air, his hair suddenly springing out all over the place.

I can feel the gaze of the entire plane and it was not pretty.

Yurio slowly turned towards me with the embarrassed face of a child on their first day at Kindergarten because they had peed themselves during introductions.

A baby began to cry at the middle of the plane and Yurio buried his face in his jacket.

I gazed out the windows and watched as the almost endless clouds sailed underneath us.

Clouds are strange things aren't they? One minute they look like comfortable pillows that you could get lost in sleep forever. Then the next minute they're dark and ready to unleash all their anger among the humans below them because there is no where else for that bound up anger to go.

"Viktor? What are you a poet or something?" Yurio asked jokingly with a joking smile on his face as well.

"Wait, did I say that out loud?" I ask a blank expression on my face. "Sorry, sometimes I think of deep stuff when it's not even after midnight."

"Yeah, I can relate." Yurio said looking to the side. "Sometimes when I talk to Otabek late at night, I start talking about really deep shit for absolutely no reason. Like about aliens and if we really know what and who we are you know?"

I nod and the conversation stops there.

"Wake me up when they start serving meals." Yurio said before putting his hand on his face and leaning on his armrest.

"Alright. Good night Yurio."

"Please stop calling me that."

I look out the window again.

"Just wait Yuri. I'm coming for you."

I close my eyes and drift off into a soon interrupted, jet lagged sleep.

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