Chapter 8- Connor's POV

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At first, I'm too stunned to speak. I haven't seen Brad properly for about a year, and now he's at my door at 1 in the morning. Eventually, I manage to say "What are you doing here?" Normally, I wouldn't be so rude, but I'm in a state of shock right now.

Brad gives a deep sigh. "It's a long story, but the short version is that there was something going on at my apartment block and no one could go in, so this was the closest place I could think of."

Hearing his voice properly has shocked me into my senses, and I manage to reply "Um, ok. Do you want to come in?" He nods, and follows me inside. It's weird- the last time he was here was when he actually broke up with me, and now he's back because he needed someone. Since he's here, I may as well be polite. "I'm making tea, do you want some?"

"I'd love some." he replies. "This has been the weirdest evening."

I'm weirdly curious, and my body seems to be working on autopilot due to the shock. I bring the tea through, and I see him smile slightly when he notices that I put his in the mug he always used to use when he was here. "So," I say, settling myself on the sofa, "What happened?"

Brad sighs. "I was going out to work, and I heard all this noise. I'm not sure what was happening, but there was a woman shouting and I think there were a couple of other people there as well."

He pauses, and I put in "Were you going to one of your shows?"

He nods. "I didn't think too much of it, but I got back about an hour ago and there were loads of police around."

I'm really shocked at that. "How come?" I ask.

Brad shrugs. "I don't really know. But they weren't letting people into the building, and they apologised for the inconvenience but said we all had to go somewhere for the night."

"Yikes." I say. "So why did you come here?"

"You were the closest person I could think of." Brad says. "I'm sorry about this, I know it's awkward." 

"It's ok." I lie, as I'm really not alright. "You're here now, you might as well stay."

He yawns, then blushes. "Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude. I'm really tired."

"Don't worry about it." I say. "We'll sort it out in the morning. Right now, you need to sleep. Is the sofa ok for you? I can get you a blanket."

He nods gratefully. "That's more than fine. I'd sleep on the floor if I had to."

I leave the room to take the mugs away, my emotions swimming around crazily in my head. My ex boyfriend is back, but it doesn't feel awkward. We've skirted around the issue of us breaking up,  but somehow it's not uncomfortable. I never thought he'd come back, but I guess he's not here to see me, he's here because he needed somewhere to stay and I was closest. That said, there's no reason why he couldn't have gone to James' or Tristan's, maybe he did want to see me. 

I grab a blanket out of the cupboard in the hallway and head back into the living room with it, and I open the door slightly to see Brad leading through the poetry book I was reading earlier. That would figure, seeing as it's his, maybe he's wondering where it went. I hope he isn't judging me for the amount of his stuff I have lying around. "Hi." I say quietly.

He immediately puts the book down. "Sorry." I give him a small smile and hand the blanket to him. "Thank you." he says. "You didn't have to do that."

My heart is breaking all over again, but I try not to show it. "It's ok."

He walks over to me, and I'm slightly confused until he says "Can I hug you? You're an actual angel." I nod, and relax immediately as he wraps his arms around me. I hug him back and I don't want to let go as it's been so long since we were in each other's arms like this. 

Eventually, we have to let go. "Night Brad." I say as I turn to leave. "Let me know if you need anything."

He smiles. "Night Con. Thank you." I leave him to it and head back to my own room. It's been a long night, and a weird one at that. First I'm crying into my ex boyfriend's poetry book because of how much I miss him, and next thing I now he's at my door. I can only guess that we'll find out the full story tomorrow, but now I need to go to sleep and stop worrying. 

As I get back into bed, I keep replaying the moment I opened the door to see him there, I don't think I'll ever forget it. I try to relax but it's hard to knowing that my ex boyfriend is sleeping on the sofa in the same room he broke up with me in, and that's full of of all his stuff I didn't want to get rid of. I rub my eyes but I don't feel tired anymore, my emotions are running too high. I've had problems sleeping before, but not like this. Somehow, I doubt I'll be sleeping much tonight.


So, Brad's back and Connor's going to be up all night, no sleep. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed this!

I started knitting a scarf today, I feel about 87 😂 Plus I'm such a slow knitter.

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