Chapter 11- Brad's POV

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As much as I hoped for it, I'm amazed that Connor agreed. I expected him to hate me and demand that I got out of his house when I managed to tell him that I was still in love with him, but instead he said that we could give getting back together a try. I wanted him back more than anything in the world, and my wish came true. "Thank you." I say. "I hope we can make it work."

Connor laughs. "We made it work before, didn't we?" I smile at him and open my arms to hug him. I did earlier, but it was kind of awkward. He hugs me back, and he fits in my arms just as perfectly as ever. 

He sniffles, and I hug him a little bit tighter. "Are you ok?"

He nods against me. "I'm just... really, really glad that you're back. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I tell him. "I didn't stop thinking about you for pretty much the whole year." He looks up and smiles at me, and all I can think of is how much I want to kiss him. We've only just got back together though, so maybe it's a bit soon for that. 

I still really want to though, so I ask him. I never used to, sometimes I would just go in to kiss him, and even though he loved it, it wouldn't be right to do that. "Can I kiss you?" I ask. He smiles at me, which I take as a yes, leaning down to press our lips together. He kisses me back, and I'm overcome by quite how much I needed him back. It doesn't get too intense, but it doesn't need to be- it's gentle and loving, and that's exactly what we needed.

Unfortunately, we have to break apart, and I give him a smile. "I missed that."

"Me too." he agrees. "I'm so glad you came back."

"I kind of just barged in." I point out. "But I guess it worked out." Connor giggles, and I find myself falling in love with him all over again. He's so adorable and cute, and he never fails to make me smile- no wonder I was so sad when he wasn't in my life anymore. We remain in comfortable silence for a while, just taking each other in.

Eventually, Connor says "We need to go out. We can't just stay here hugging all day."

I pout. "Why not?"

Connor laughs, reaching to grab my hand. "Come on." I swear I feel a rift in my heart heal instantly as Connor takes my hand in his small one. I always used to tease him about his small hands, but I found them totally adorable. In return, he would tease me about my scruffy hair and would run his hands through it to mess it up even more. 

"Where are we going then?" I ask as Connor drags me into the hallway so we can put our shoes on.

Connor shrugs. "I don't know. But we need a change of scene." I grab my car keys and soon enough we're driving down the road with terrible pop music playing. 

"How do you know so many of the words?" I ask, laughing at how Connor is word perfect for this song.

He blushes cutely. "I used to listen to this station a lot when I was sad, it always cheered me up." I laugh, but it's not uncomfortable. I missed going on spontaneous adventures with him, how we'd get in the car and just drive until we found somewhere interesting. It was so much fun, and I tried it with one of the other boys I tried with, but it just wasn't the same. As well as being my boyfriend, Connor was my best friend, and I could always be myself with him. It sounds bad, but it was like we were made for each other. 

"Brad!" Connor whines as I reach to switch stations.

"Sorry." I smirk. "Such terrible music is distracting me from driving. I might crash the car."

He gasps, pretending to be offended. "What? Are you saying my music taste is so bad it makes you want to die?"

"Yep." I stick my tongue out at him playfully. Connor does the same to me, and I'm not able to stop myself from laughing. I've never been able to recreate this level of joy in a relationship, and it's a wonderful feeling. Hanging out with someone you love and who makes you laugh, what could be better? I haven't feel this happy in so long, and I can't believe how much I missed it. There was a time when I was just numb and I couldn't feel anything, but this is almost the exact opposite.

This was how things used to be, on the good days. Despite how happy I am and how much fun in having, part of me is still worrying that we'll go back to the screaming fights and tears there used to be, but I hope with all I can that that won't be the case. I look over at Connor, who's staring out the window and singing along to the music, and I feel true happiness. I haven't felt like this for so long, and I'm not going to waste it worrying about a hypothetical future. I turn the music up and lean back, feeling joy sweep over me.


So, bronnor have kissed and everyone is happy ❤️ This was a bit filler, but I liked it. Please vote and comment if you did too!

On another note, lush life hit 6.1k yesterday 😮 I don't know who here has read it, but that's amazing, thank you!

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