Chapter 20- Brad's POV

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Deciding to try and get back with Connor was the best decision I ever made. I'd pined for him for so long, but I never actually thought that we'd get back together. I tried with a couple of other boys, but it just wasn't the same. Sam was nice enough, but he wasn't Connor. I was happy with him, don't get me wrong, but there was something missing. Me and Connor have this kind of connection (or spark as he likes to call it), and I've never felt anything else like it.

I think the problem with Sam was that everything was a bit too perfect, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that soon enough something bad would happen. Even though me and Connor did use to fight a lot, I knew that we'd always make it up, but I was terrified that that wouldn't be the case with Sam. So I had to end it, but I wasn't that bothered. I was lonely and felt guilty, sure, but nothing compares to the heartbreak of losing Connor, so breaking up with Sam felt like nothing.

I don't know if Connor ever tried with someone else, but I can't see him doing that. He gets very fixated on things, and he's not the type to just move on quickly. Being with someone else distracted me slightly, although the feelings were still there, but I can imagine Connor not wanting to move on just in case he forgot me. 

I've felt like a completely different person since me and Connor got back together, in a good way. I was a shell of myself for so long, as I had a Connor shaped hole in my heart, and I needed him so I could be me. It did take us a while to get used to each other again, but soon enough it felt like nothing had changed. We fell straight back into our old ways, despite the year apart. However, all our emotions were running high, and I think that contributed to the huge fight we had.

In a weird way, I'm glad that fight happened. We used to fight a lot, so it was somewhat inevitable that it was going to happen, but we got it out of the way fairly early on in Brad and Connor version 2 (as Connor likes to refer to us). There was a sense of relief attached to knowing that we could get though such a horrible fight, so it worked out in the end. 

I think that heartbreak would have been worse than the first one, as we had a chance to start again, which was exactly like I wanted. But I came so close to ruining it, and fucking up my one last chance at true happiness would have destroyed me. Luckily, I didn't, but it was a close call. I'm so lucky to have Connor- if it had been the other way around, I wouldn't have wanted him back in my life after he broke my heart. But Connor was selfless enough to let me have another chance, and I'll always be grateful for that.

I'm still awake, which is why I'm able to think about all this. Connor is fast asleep snuggled into my chest, and I smile every time I look down at him. He's so peaceful when he's asleep, his chest rising and falling. His fluffy hair is all over the place, and that, along with his soft snuffly breathing, adds to how cute he looks. I run a hand through his hair and lean down to kiss the top of his head. "I love you." I whisper to him. He can't hear me, but that doesn't matter- I tell him at least twice a day.

For a while, I just sit and watch him sleep. Not in a creepy way, more because he looks so cute and peaceful. I'm so lucky to say he's mine, and I never feel more proud than when I'm on stage and I see him tell soemone that I'm his boyfriend. I love him more than anyone else in the world, and sometimes I worry that he doesn't know that. I like to think he does though, as I tell him enough.

There was a point not so long ago when I was so heartbroken I genuinely wondered if I'd ever be happy again. I wanted Connor back more than anything, but I'd resigned myself to that never happening. But it did, and I've never been more grateful. I like to think that some wishes will come true if you hope for it enough, as that's how it feels to me. It was surprising, but I'm glad it happened.

Slowly, I begin to feel sleep taking me. I shift over in bed slightly, wrapping my arms around Connor properly. His head is still resting on my chest, and he's sound asleep. That said, he could probably sleep though anything, so it's not that suprising. Feeling a wave of exhaustion sleeping through me, I press one last kiss to his forehead before pulling the duvet over us and settling down. I always sleep better when I'm happy or relaxed, so hopefully I'll have a good night tonight. 


I thought this was cute, please vote and comment if you did too ❤️ This is nearly at 1k reads, thank you!

I'm writing a story in the real world too, it's basically the same plot as my other bronnor story but with other people 😂 I made a Spotify playlist for it though which should fit my other story (mostly). I've added it as an external link at the bottom if anyone's interested, fingers crossed it works!

How You Get The Boy (Bronnor au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora