Chapter 26- Connor's POV

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A/n- I should clarify that this part takes place a couple of years after the last one 😉

It did take me a while to get used to having Brad back in my life, but giving him another chance (as stupid as it seemed at the time) was the best decision I've ever made. It was hard, and there was a time when I thought that he'd be gone for good, but luckily that wasn't the case. It was hard enough losing him the first time, I don't know how I'd have coped if he'd left again. Thankfully, I never had to worry about that.

Brad makes me happier that I ever knew was possible- he makes me laugh and he loves me in a way no one else does. He cheers me up when I'm sad, and he's the only person who I've ever said 'I love you' to and genuinely meant it. It's been the best time of my life, and I never want it to end. 

We're walking in the park, which is the place was always go when we can't think of anywhere else. Actually, today I had a few other suggestions, but Brad was adamant we should go here. I didn't mind and it made him happy, so here we are. The sun's setting, and I comment on it. "The sky looks so beautiful tonight."

"Not as beautiful as you." Brad jokes. I knew that was coming, but i still laugh.

"That was so cheesy." I tell him. "I'm disappointed."

Brad pouts. "You laughed though? Excuse me for thinking I'm funny."

"I felt sorry for you." I say, giggling. "If I didn't laugh, who would?"

"I would." Brad says, pretending to be annoyed. 

I lean over to kiss him. "It's ok, I love you even in spite of your rubbish sense of humour."

"I'm glad to hear it." Brad says. He laughs, but seems a bit shaky, almost like he's nervous about something. It's not like him, so I'm slightly worried.

"You ok?" I ask.

He nods. "I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." I raise an eyebrow, but don't say anything. Brad's not one for bottling up his feelings, he'd tell me if something was wrong. That said, he really doesn't seem himself. I hope he's ok and that nothing's worrying him. My hand slips into his as we walk, and I feel him relax slightly. Suddenly, he stops dead and opens his arms. "Connor, come here."

I go into his open arms and hug him back. "What's up?" I ask.

He laughs, again slightly nervously. "Nothing. Does something have to be up for me to hug my boyfriend and tell him how much I love him?"

I giggle. "No. But you're not one for pda. But I'm all for it."

Brad lets go of me and steps back. He must register the look of confusion on my face, as he gives me a reassuring smile. "Shut your eyes." he says. I laugh, but do so. I've got no idea what's going on, but my question is answered when Brad says "Ok, open them."

I look down, then my jaw drops when I see Brad down on one knee holding a small velvet box containing a shiny silver ring. I clap my hand over my mouth, but in all honesty I'm too stunned to say anything. "Connor," he begins, and I feel myself well up when I hear the slight wobble in his voice. "I knew from the moment I walked out on you that I'd made the biggest mistake of my whole life. I'm so grateful that you let me sort it out. This has been the happiest couple of years of my life, and I want it to be like this forever."

He pauses, and I whisper "Stop, you're going to make me cry." Luckily, he ignores me and carries on, though I can see his eyes are swimming with tears. 

"You make me happier that I knew was possible." he continues, his voice shaking. "And I really mean it when I say I want to spend my life with you. I'll still be in love with you in 60 years time, when I can't sing anymore, but you'll still be beautiful. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I want you for ever and ever. So, Connor Samuel John Ball, I guess I'm asking you.." He pauses again to compose himself before saying "Will you marry me?"

I've got tears streaming down both cheeks, and for a moment I can't speak. But then, somehow, I manage to whisper "Of course I will. But you knew that I'd say yes." Brad gives me a teary smile as he takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto my finger. "Thank you." I whisper. "It's beautiful."

"So are you." Brad tells me, before leaning in to kiss me. I kiss him back, fuelled by the love I have for him. It's not the most wild or passionate that our kisses have been, but it's the best one ever. When we break apart, Brad says "I promise I'll do my best to always make you happy."

"You already do." I say, the euphoria audible in my voice. "I'm so glad we get to spend the rest of our lives together." I know I said it wasn't possible to get happier, but I was wrong, and I'm glad about that. It's been rough, and sometimes things didn't look like they would work out, but they did. And now Brad is mine, and I'm his. For ever and ever.


I don't think I've ever written anything so fluffy 🙈 I loved this though, and this story. Please let me know if you did too!

My birthday was fun, and in other news I'm starting my second tradley story next week (the one after will be trames, then I'm out of ideas lmao) so come check that out!

Much love xx

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