Chapter 13- Connor's POV

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Me and Brad have been back together for about a week now, and although that doesn't sound like a long time, we slipped back into our old ways almost instantly. I've woken up to him beside me every morning (he's literally only been back home to get more clothes), and I've been sleeping so much better since I've been able to sleep on his chest again. I feel safe and secure as well as happy, and that's something I haven't felt in a long time. I'm so, so glad that he came back. There were times when I was tempted to call him because I missed him so much, but decided against it as I didn't want to open old wounds. 

But then he came back, and although it was a shock at first, I soon got used to having him back in my life. There's so many little things I didn't know I missed, like how he hugs me from behind sometimes; and how sometimes I catch him just looking at me; and how he presses light kisses to my head to wake me up. Now we can kiss and fall asleep in each other's arms and hold hands again, and now my heart feels way less broken. 

Right now, we're in town together, just trying to get out a bit more. My hand slipped into his almost as soon as we went out, and he's been holding it ever since. He drags me by the hand all the time, but I don't mind- in fact, I love it. Whenever we used to go to town together, we'd go to the music store first so Brad could admire the guitars, and then to the bookstore so I could buy more books that I don't have time to read. I'm a bit addicted to buying them, I need help. 

As soon as we walk in, the manager greets us. "Hey guys! I haven't seen you two in here together for a while." I blush- I never went in here because it reminded me of being with Brad too much, but Brad's a musician, so there's no reason he wouldn't go in here. Brad briefly explains the story, and the manager laughs. "Well, I missed you. I'm glad you're happy."

I smile, and we continue to browse. "Look at that one." Brad says, pointing to a shiny black guitar on a high rack. "I want one like that. I can't afford it though."

I laugh. "Maybe when you're a rich and famous rockstar you can buy one."

"Maybe." Brad agrees. "Come on, let's get out of here before I spend loads of money I don't have." 

"This is why I'm glad my job is cheaper than yours." I joke as we head into my favourite bookshop. "Books are affordable, fancy guitars not so much." 

Brad laughs, pretending to swat me around the head. He follows me as I look around the shelves. "Is there anything you haven't read?" he wonders out loud.

"Yes." I huff, rolling my eyes. "Even I haven't been able to read everything." 

"I want to read more." Brad muses.

"Ok." I say. "Tell you what, you pick out something for me to read and I'll choose one for you."

"That's going to be so hard!" Brad protests. "You've read almost everything!"

I smirk. "I'm sure you'll manage." We split up so we can search the shop. I'm determined to find something Brad will definitely like, but I'm both curious and nervous to see what he picks for me. It takes me a good 10 minutes or so to find something I know he'll like, but as soon as I do I take it off the shelf and go to find him.

He's got a book in his hand for me, hopefully one I haven't read. "I'm not sure about this," he says nervously, "But I thought it sounded interesting." I take the book from him and see that he's picked The Scarlet Letter. 

I smile. "Good choice. I actually haven't read this." 

"Thank god." Brad huffs. "I was worried I'd be here for ages trying but to find something. What did you get for me?"

I hand him To Kill A Mockingbird. "I honestly think everyone should read this at least once in their lifetime. It's amazing."

We pay for our books, and Brad puts his into the bag he's carrying. "Why did you pick this?" he asks. 

"It's an important book." I say. "I don't want to give it away, but I think that you'll really like it."

Brad smiles. "I hope so." He slips his hand into mine once again. This is exactly how things used to be, and how I want them to be from now on. Spending time together, doing something we know will make the other happy and just chilling out is a really good way to spend the day. Up until a few days ago, I didn't think I'd ever be really happy again, but I'm glad that I've been proven wrong. It feels so right to have Brad back in my life, it's like nothing's changed. There was a gap of heartbreak and anger, but that's closed now, and I can't see it opening any time soon.


So, bronnor are in a bookshop. I liked this chapter, please vote and comment (I love reading comments, they make me so happy!)

I've read The Scarlet Letter, and I loved it. (Also if anyone's seen the film easy a, that's what it's based off). I did To Kill A Mockingbird for GCSE, and although my class nicknamed it 'to kill myself' 😂, it's really good and you should definitely read it.

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