Chapter 18- Connor's POV

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I knew this would happen. I'm currently sitting on the sofa with my clingy hungover boyfriend next to me. His head is on my lap, and I'm absent mindedly running his hand through his dark curls. He was drunk last night, and I warned him that he would have a bad headache today, and I was right. I was woken up this morning by Brad sprinting to the bathroom, so I followed him in and dropped to my knees behind him so I could rub his back whilst he threw up. I said I would take care of him, so here we are.

"Urgh." he whines. "I feel terrible."

I laugh. "This is what you get for drinking too much, babe."

"Stop laughing!" he weakly protests. "It's not funny!"

"It is." I say. "But I'm allowed to feel a bit smug. I did warn you."

Brad pouts, rolling over to press his face into my stomach. "I don't want to feel sick anymore. Make it go away."

"I wish I could." I tell him, kissing his forehead. As much as I like to tease him about it, it's horrible seeing him in any kind of pain or discomfort. I'm pretty sure he's going to drift off to sleep again soon. He tends to sleep on and off at seemingly random times when he's sick, but if it makes him feel better then I'm all for it. 

I'm reminded of all the times I used to take care of him- he's been in this state quite a few times, but because I love him I'm always more than willing to take care of him. Slowly, I begin to feel his breathing evening out. He's looks so cute when he's asleep, he's so small and peaceful looking. His mouth is slightly open, but his beautiful eyes are firmly pressed shut. 

I smile to myself when I hear his soft snores, and I brush his hair off his face. Trying not to disturb him, I reach over his to grab my coffee, but I eventually give up as I don't want to wake him. If he's asleep, he won't be feeling rough, and that's the best thing for him. However, he looks so cute that I can't resist the urge to take a picture of him, so I do so and send it to Tristan who almost immediately responds with 'Is he hungover?'

I quickly reply with 'Of course, but doesn't he look cute?' There's not a response for a few minutes, but my phone suddenly buzzes when I'm in the middle of braiding a small part of Brad's hair. Tristan has sent me a picture of James asleep with his mouth wide open with the caption 'Your boyfriend is cute, but nowhere near as cute as mine.' 

I laugh at that, and we text back and forth until Brad shifts in my lap. "Con?" he asks blearily. 

"Yes babe?" I respond.

Brad sits up, rubbing his eyes. "I feel sick again."

"Ok." I say. "Bathroom or bucket?" I came prepared for this- as well as a blanket, I brought over a bucket just in case we needed it.

"Bucket." he says quickly. I hand it over to him, and he shifts so he's sitting cross legged with it in his lap. I reach to brush his hair out of his face, and then start to rub his back gently as he starts to throw up pretty much everything left in him into the bucket. I whisper to him comfortingly until he's finished being sick, then hand him a glass of water. He takes a sip shakily. "Sorry." he says weakly.

I laugh. "It's ok. Do you at least feel a little bit better now?"

He nods, but then reaches to grab my hand as I stand up. "Don't leave me." he almost begs.

I smile. "I'm not leaving you, I'm just going to sort this out." Brad blushes as I pick up the bucket. "God." I say. "This is true love."

Brad looks up. "What is?"

I laugh. "Me cleaning out a bucket you puked in." I clean it out in the bathroom, and head back to find that Brad has stretched himself out across the whole sofa. He's nearly fallen asleep again, but even though he needs the rest, I need to sit down. Carefully, I lift his head the sit back down where I was before, then let him rest his head in my lap again.

 I run a hand up and down his back soothingly, and for a while I think he's asleep before I hear him say "Thank you for looking after me." 

I smile. "I'm your boyfriend, it's my job to look after you."

"Yeah," he says, "But I'm meant to be a responsible adult who knows not to drink too much." II laugh, and he snuggles closer to me. I love quiet moments like this- they're so intimate, and even though he's ill I still love being close to him. 

I lean down to kiss his forehead and whisper "I love you." He doesn't respond, but the corners of his mouth turn up into a small smile so I know he heard. Once he's fallen asleep again, I sit and watch him for a while. He's hungover but happy- we're close, he knows how much I love him and I'm comforting him as much as I can. We'll probably end up like this again at some point, but I don't really mind- I love spending any time I can with him. 


Sorry for how cringe this was, but I just really love this idea of Con looking after Brad. Please vote and comment!

I'm totally tired because I went to see olly murs on Thursday (don't judge me, I love olly murs 😂) and it was so good but finished so late and I had to go to school the next day 😭

How You Get The Boy (Bronnor au)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora